Category: GS 2001
GS 2001 art 103
GS 2001 Article 103 – Closing The chairman, Rev. Cl. Stam, spoke words of appreciation for all the work done by the Church at Neerlandia in preparing for Synod. He also expressed appreciation for the hospitality shown by the sisters of the congregation in looking after the meals. He reflected on the decisions taken by…
GS 2001 art 102
GS 2001 Article 102 – Concluding matters 1. Censure: Opportunity was given for censure ad. Art. 44. The chairman noted with gratitude that the meeting could take place in good harmony. 2. Publishing of the Acts: The first and second clerks were appointed to prepare the Acts for publication. The second clerk was instructed to…
GS 2001 art 101
GS 2001 Article 101 – Women’s Voting Committee 4 presented its report on the matter of women’s voting. 1. Material 1.1. Overture of Regional Synod East,Nov.8,2000. 1.2. Letters from the Churches at Elora, Lincoln, London, and Orangeville. 1.3. Overture from the Church at Langley. 1.4. Letter from br. N. van Weerden. 2. Admissibility 2.1. The…
GS 2001 art 100
GS 2001 Article 100 – Book of Praise: Standing Committee Committee 3 presented its proposal on the Standing Committee for the Book of Praise. The following was adopted: 1. Material Report of the Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise. 2. Observations 2.1. Since it was submitted late, Synod decided to take…
GS 2001 art 99
GS 2001 Article 99 – Reopening The chairman reopened the meeting. Psalm 139:1,2 was sung. Roll call showed all were present.
GS 2001 art 98
GS 2001 Article 98 – Appointments Synod went into closed session to deal with appointments. The following appointments were made: 1. Board of Governors 1.1. Academic Committee 1.1.1. Eastern Canada: B.J. Berends (2010); G. Nederveen (2010); Cl. Stam(2010) (alternates: G. Ph. Van Popta, P. Aasman, J. VanWoudenberg, in that order). 1.1.2. Western Canada: R. Aasman…
GS 2001 art 97
GS 2001 Article 97 – Book of Praise: Overture re: Hymns Committee 3 presented its proposal on the overture from Regional Synod East of Nov.8,2000 regarding the addition of hymns. The following was adopted: 1. Material 1.1. Overture of Regional Synod East, November 8,2000. 1.2. Letter from the Church at London. 2. Admissibility The overture…
GS 2001 art 96
GS 2001 Article 96 – Book of Praise: Letter from the Church at Abbotsford Committee 3 presented its proposal concerning the letter of the Church at Abbotsford with Suggestions and Concerns re: the Book of Praise. The following was adopted: 1. Material Letter from the Church at Abbotsford requesting Synod to revise the mandate for…
GS 2001 art 95
GS 2001 Article 95 – Committee for Promotion of Ecclesiastical Unity: Mandate Committee 4 presented its proposal regarding the mandate of the CPEU. The following was adopted: 1. Recommendations Synod decide: 1.1. To thank the committee for all the work it has done. 1.2. To reappoint the Committee for Promotion with Ecclesiastical Unity with the…
GS 2001 art 94
GS 2001 Article 94 – Committee for Promotions of Ecclesiastical Unity: Guidelines for Federative Unity Committee 4 presented its proposal regarding the Guidelines for Federative Unity. The following was adopted: 1. Material 1.1. Section E of the CPEU report. 1.2. Letter from the Church at Aldergrove. 2. Admissibility The letter from the Church at Aldergrove…