GS 2001 Article 103 – Closing
The chairman, Rev. Cl. Stam, spoke words of appreciation for all the work done by the Church at Neerlandia in preparing for Synod. He also expressed appreciation for the hospitality shown by the sisters of the congregation in looking after the meals. He reflected on the decisions taken by this Synod, noting that it would be left for others to judge whether it was for better or for worse. He felt it could be said that we have done our work for the Lord and His churches, according to the light of insight given to us at this time in our lives. He took special note of the decision with respect to the OPC and hoped that there would be peace in the churches about this. He also mentioned the establishing of ecclesiastical fellowship with the Reformed Churches in Brazil. He hoped that in the future people would not consider Synod Neerlandia rash and bold and moving ahead. Synod Neerlandia travelled along the lines our forefathers had drawn out. In reflecting on how so much of the Agenda was devoted to foreign churches he saw this as an expression of the catholicity of the Church. He then asked Rev. R. Aasman to close Synod.
Rev. R. Aasman spoke some words of appreciation for the dynamic and humourous way Rev. Cl. Stam conducted the meetings. He drew attention to the unique way of starting each day with his meditations on the book of Ecclesiastes and the way he expected the members of Synod to take a turn closing the day with a meditation on a portion of Scripture. In this way Synod could do its work in an atmosphere filled with the Word of God. Rev. R. Aasman then read Prov. 20:24-30 and gave a brief meditation on v. 27. He led in closing prayer. After the chairman closed Synod Neerlandia, all those present sang Hymn 63:1,2.