Search Canadian Reformed Synod Acts

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Note: Indexing of synods is still progressing.

Search Instructions

  • Use Synod(s) to indicate which synod(s) you want to search.
  • Use Topic(s) to search for indexed topic(s) (use “All Topics” to search all the acts). Selecting more than one topic will create an OR search.
  • Use Search term to search for something within the Synod(s) and Topic you have specified. To create an AND search, enter the terms separated by a comma. to search for a phrase, place the phrase between quotation marks.


  1. To search for decisions regarding the Reformed Churches of Brazil that mention the Presbyterian Church in Brazil, select Search: “IPB”, Synod(s): “All Synods”, Topic(s): “IRB” and click “Submit”.
  2. To search for all decisions in 2019 that mention either the FRCA or the FRCSA select Synod(s): “GS 2019”, Topic(s): “FRCA” “FRCSA”, Search: (leave blank) and click “Submit”.
  3. To search for all decisions in 2019 that mention both the FRCA and FRCSA select Synod(s): “GS 2019”, Topic(s): “All Topic(s)”, Search: “FRCA, FRCSA” and click “Submit”.

Note that topics have been have been determined by the article heading. This means that mention of, say, the FRCA in a decision on the CRTS will not show up under topics. To search for all references to a particular matter, please use the search function.

Click on the article reference to access the text of the article.

Found 2605 Results
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GS 2022 art 99

GS 2022 Article 99 – Acts – GS 2022 Art. 80-82 Synod dealt with this matter in closed session, with…

August 8, 2022

GS 2022 art 98

GS 2022 Article 98 – Financial Report of GS 2019 1.   Material 1.1    Financial Report of the Convening Church of…

GS 2022 art 97

GS 2022 Article 97 – Appeal against RSW 2021 Art. 31 (In-person Worship) Committee 3 presented draft 1 of a…

GS 2022 art 96

GS 2022 Article 96 – CRTS (Board of Governors) Supplementary Report (Foreign Students) Committee 3 presented draft 2 of a…

GS 2022 art 95

GS 2022 Article 95 – Acts The prepared articles of the Acts were corrected and adopted.

GS 2022 art 94

GS 2022 Article 94 – Reopening Synod reopened in plenary session. The chairman observed all synod members were present. He…

GS 2022 art 93

GS 2022 Article 93 – Closing Devotions Rev. Wynia noted that this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the first publication…

GS 2022 art 92

GS 2022 Article 92 – Overtures RSE 2020 and RSW 2021 re GS 2004 Art. 115 (Hymn Cap) (cont’d) Discussion…

GS 2022 art 91

GS 2022 Article 91 – Reopening Synod reopened in plenary session. The chairman had the meeting sing Psalm 19:4. He…

GS 2022 art 90

GS 2022 Article 90 – Overtures RSE 2020 and RSW 2021 re GS 2004 Art. 115 (Hymn Cap) Committee 1…

GS 2022 art 9

GS 2022 Article 9 – Advisory Committees The following advisory committees were appointed: Committee 1: Members: James Slaa (convener), Clarence…

July 6, 2022

GS 2022 art 89

GS 2022 Article 89 – CRTS (Board of Governors) Supplementary Report (Foreign Students) Committee 3 presented draft 1 of a…

August 8, 2022

GS 2022 art 88

GS 2022 Article 88 – CRCA-CCCNA Study Reports on the Execution of CO Art. 50 Committee 2 presented draft 1…

GS 2022 art 87

GS 2022 Article 87 – Acts The prepared articles of the Acts were corrected and adopted.

GS 2022 art 86

GS 2022 Article 86 – Reopening Synod reopened in plenary session. The chairman observed all synod members were present. He…

GS 2022 art 85

GS 2022 Article 85 – Closing Devotions The chairman made some announcements regarding agenda items and housekeeping matters. Rev. Karlo Janssen…

GS 2022 art 84

GS 2022 Article 84 – GGRCI – Fraternal Delegate Address Rev. Karlo Janssen introduced Rev. Yonson Dethan, credentialed delegate of the Calvinist…

GS 2022 art 83

GS 2022 Article 83 – Reopening Synod reopened in plenary session. The chairman had the meeting sing Psalm 84:6. He…

GS 2022 art 82

Article 82 – Appeal against GS 2019 Art. 98 and Art. 141 (Personal) Synod dealt with this matter in closed…

GS 2022 art 81

GS 2022 Article 81 – Confidential

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