Category: GS 2004

  • GS 2004 art 118

    GS 2004 Article 118 – Closing The chairman spoke some words of appreciation for the good harmony enjoyed at this assembly.  He also thanked the convening church for all its work.  This speech is included in the appendices of these Acts.  On behalf of Synod, the vice-chairman expressed our gratitude to the hosting church at…

  • GS 2004 art 117

    GS 2004 Article 117 – Concluding Matters Censure Opportunity was given for censure ad. Art. 34 C.O.  The chairman noted with gratitude that the meeting could take place in good harmony. Publishing of the Acts The first and second clerks of Synod Chatham 2004 were appointed to prepare the Acts for publication.  The second clerk…

  • GS 2004 art 116

    GS 2004 Article 116 – Appointments The moderamen presented its proposal re: Appointments.  After several rounds of discussion, the following was adopted: 1.    Board of Governors 1.1.   Academic Committee 1.1.1.     From Western Canada: J. Moesker (2007), R. Schouten (2010), W.B. Slomp (2013) (alternates: E.J. Tiggelaar, E. Kampen and C.J. Vandervelde in that order) 1.1.2.     From…

  • GS 2004 art 115

    GS 2004 Article 115 – Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise Committee 4 again presented its proposal on the report of the Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise (SCBP).  After several rounds of discussion, the following was adopted: 1.    Material 1.1.   The report of the Standing Committee…

  • GS 2004 art 114

    GS 2004 Article 114 – Appeal of br. and sr. Vantil against Regional Synod West 2003 re: Art. 31 C.O. Committee 3 presented its proposal on the appeal of br. and sr. Vantil against Regional Synod West 2003 re: Art. 31 C.O.  After several rounds of discussion, the following was adopted: 1.    Material Appeal by…

  • GS 2004 art 113

    GS 2004 Article 113 – Opening Devotions The chairman reopened Synod by reading Phil. 4:21-23 and giving a meditation on this passage.  We sang Psalm 121:1,4 after which the chairman led us in prayer.  The roll was called and all were present. Adoption of Acts After some corrections Articles 84-100 of the Acts were adopted.

  • GS 2004 art 112

    GS 2004 Article 112 – Closing devotions Rev. J. Van Vliet led us in closing devotions by reading Rom. 8:18-30 and giving a brief meditation on that passage.  We sang Psalm 138:1,4.  The chairman adjourned the meeting until the morning.

  • GS 2004 art 111

    GS 2004 Article 111 – Appeal of the church at Calgary against Regional Synod West 2002 re: the status of Rev. R.F. Boersema Committee 2 presented its proposal on the appeal from the church at Calgary against Art. 12 of Regional Synod West 2002 re: the status of Rev. R.F. Boersema.  After several rounds of…

  • GS 2004 art 110

    GS 2004 Article 110 – Appeal of br. and sr. VandeBurgt against various assemblies re: the Lord’s Supper Committee 3 presented its proposal on the appeal of br. and sr. B. Vandeburgt against various assemblies re Lord’s Supper.  The following was adopted: 1.    Material Appeal of br. and sr. B. Vandeburgt against various assemblies re:…

  • GS 2004 art 109

    GS 2004 Article 109 – Appeal of br. and sr. Vantil against Regional Synod West 2003 re: Grape Juice Committee 3 again presented its proposal on the appeal of br. and sr. Vantil against Regional Synod West 2003 re: Grape Juice.  After several rounds of discussion, the following was adopted: 1.    Material Appeal of br.…