Category: Uncategorized

  • GS 1971 art 82

    GS 1971 ARTICLE 82 – Revision Church Order Committee IV present Material –  Agenda 8 T, 6 – Report of  “Committee on the Revision of the Church Order”, appointed by Synod 1968. Information The Committee on the Church Order informs Synod that there is a difference of opinion within the Committee, appointed by General Synod 1968 (Acts,…

  • GS 1971 art 69

    GS 1971 ARTICLE 69 – Acts The Acts of the tenth session are read and adopted.

  • Interchurch relations

    Interchurch Relations: The exercise of CO article 50 in the Canadian Reformed Churches, 1951-2021 GS 2019 (art. 149) mandated the committees for interchurch relations of the Canadian Reformed Churches (the CRCA and CCCNA) to submit a study report with recommendations on how best to exercise the duties prescribed in CO article 50. This study involved…