Category: GS 1986

  • GS 1986 art 195

    GS 1986 ARTICLE 195 Closing The vice-chairman, Rev. Cl. Stam, speaks words of gratitude to the chairman, Rev. M. van Beveren. He thanks the chairman for the way he has given leadership and chaired the meetings. On behalf of the members of synod he presents to the chairman a lasting symbol of the appreciation. He…

  • GS 1986 art 194

    GS 1986 ARTICLE 194 Press Release The moderaman of synod is charged to approve the press release.

  • GS 1986 art 193

    GS 1986ARTICLE 193 Acts Acts, Articles 180 – 192 are read and adopted.

  • GS 1986 art 192

    GS 1986 ARTICLE 192 Question Period, Art. 44, C.O. The chairman gratefully notes that censure is not necessary.

  • GS 1986 art 191

    GS 1986 ARTICLE 191 Farewell to Rev. W. Huizinga Rev. J. Mulder, in his capacity as convener of the Committee on Contact with the Or­thodox Presby1erian Church, expresses the gratitude and appreciation for the work done by the Rev. W. Huizinga in his capacity as member of this committee. The chairman adds some well-chosen words…

  • GS 1986 art 190

    GS 1986 ARTICLE 190 Appointments General Synod makes the following appointments: 1.     . Board of Governors A.    Ministers (Eastern Canada): The Revs . P. Kingma, J. Mulder, and Cl. Starn Substitutes: The Revs. J. VanRietschoten , M. Werkrnan, and J. DeJong (respectively). B.    Ministers (Western Canada): The Revs. M. van Beveren, M. VanderWel, and J.…

  • GS 1986 art 189

    GS 1986 ARTICLE 189 New Melody, Apostles’ Creed Committee 4 presents: A.    MATERIAL –  Agenda, VIII, B, 4 Letter from the Church at Coaldale re alternate melody for Hymn 1. B, 5 Letter from sr. D. Jansen re melody of Hymn 1. B.    OBSERVATIONS 1.     Both the Church at Coaldale and sr. D. Jansen propose…

  • GS 1986 art 188

    GS 1986 ARTICLE 188 Reopening The chairman reopens the meeting and requests that Psalm 46: 1 and 2 be sung. Roll call is held. All members of synod are present.

  • GS 1986 art 187

    GS 1986 ARTICLE 187 Appeals re Edmonton Committee 2 presents: A.    MATERIAL –   Agenda, VIII, H, 9 Appeal from H. DeJong of Edmonton. B.   ADMISSIBILITY The Regional Synod West of February 5-7, 1985, judged that br. H. DeJong has placed himself outside of the jurisdiction of general synod by the schismatic act of withdrawing from…

  • GS 1986 art 186

    GS 1986 ARTICLE 186 Appeals re Edmonton Committee 2 presents: A.   MATERIAL –   Agenda, VIII, H, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10. Appeal of the Providence Canadian Reformed Church at Edmonton against Art. 166, considerations 4, 5, and 6 of the 1983 General Synod. Appeal of br. J. Werkman against the same. Appeal of the Canadian…