GS 1986 ARTICLE 190
General Synod makes the following appointments:
- 1. . Board of Governors
- A. Ministers (Eastern Canada):
- The Revs . P. Kingma, J. Mulder, and Cl. Starn
- Substitutes:
- The Revs. J. VanRietschoten , M. Werkrnan, and J. DeJong (respectively).
- B. Ministers (Western Canada):
- The Revs. M. van Beveren, M. VanderWel, and J. Visscher
- Substitutes:
- The Revs. B.J. Berends, C. VanSpronsen, and J.D. Wielenga (respectively).
- C. Non-ministers:
- The brs. H. Buist, C.G. Heeringa, H. Kampen, C.M. Loopstra, and A.L. Vanderhout.
- A. Ministers (Eastern Canada):
- 2. Committee on Relations with Churches Abroad
- The Revs. Cl. Starn, M. van Beveren, and J. Visscher (convener), and the brs. E.C. Baartrnan, H.A. Berends, and A.C. Lengkeek.
- 3. Standing Committee for the Book of Praise
- The Rev. J. DeJong, Profs. Dr. J. Faber and C. Van Darn, Dr. W. Helder (convener), br. M. Kampen, sr. H. Van Halen, and br. J. Van Huisstede.
- 4. Committee on Contact with the Orthodox Presby1erian Church
- The Revs . R. Aasrnan, J. Mulder (convener), Dr. J. Faber, and the brs. J. Boot, and T.M.P. VanderVen.
- 5. Committee on Bible Translations
- The Rev. J. DeJong, Prof. J. Geertserna, Rev. P. Kingma, Rev. J. VanRietschoten (convener), and Prof. C. VanDa rn.
- 6 . Churches for Days of Prayer
- The Churches at Burlington West and Edmonton (Providence).
- 7. Church for the Administration of the General Fund
- The Church at Carman.
- 8. Church for the General Archives
- The Church at Burlington East.
- 9. Church for the Inspection of the General Archives
- The Church at Burlington West.
- 10. Church to Audit the Finances of the 1986 General Synod
- The Church at Burlington East.
- 11. The Address Church
- For Canada: the Church at Burlington East. For the U.S.A.: the Church at Grand Rapids.
- 12 . The Committee for the Printing of the Acts
- The first and second clerks e.t. of the 1986 General Synod.
- 13. The Convening Church for the Next General Synod
- The Church at Winnipeg. General Synod is to be convened in the fall of 1989. General Synod decides that the committees shall have the right. in case a vacancy occurs, to bring their membership up to its original strength in order to fulfill their mandates.