GS 1989 ARTICLE 109
In closed session COMMITTEE III presents: Agenda Items VIII, A, 1, a, b, c
- 1. Letter from Regional Synod East of Oct. 19, 1988 re Nominations for the Board of Governors of the Theological College
- 2. Letter from Regional Synod West of Nov. 8, 1988 re Nominations for the Board of Governors of the Theological College
- 3. Letter from the Church at Abbotsford re same
- 1. a. The Board of Governors recommends that Synod “appoint, select, reappoint, or re-elect six active ministers as Governors (in accordance with Section 3.04 [a] of By-law Number 1 [as amended]) to hold office until the next General Synod and to appoint at least three substitutes from each Regional Synod area.”
- b. Regional Synod East of Oct. 19, 1988 nominated to the Board of Governors of the Theological College Revs. D. De Jong, P. Kingma, Cl. Stam. As substitutes Revs. J. VanRietschoten, R. Aasman, and J. De Jong (in that order).
- c. Regional Synod West of Nov. 8, 1988 nominated to the Board of Governors of the Theological College Revs. B.J. Berends, M. VanderWel, C. VanSpronsen. As substitutes Revs. J.D. Wielenga, P.K.A. de Boer and J. Moesker (in that order).
- d. The Church at Abbotsford notes that usually all classis resorts were represented as equally as possible and wishes to draw attention especially to Rev. J.D. Wielenga for nomination to the Board of Governors.
- e. Rev. J. De Jong has been appointed by Synod as professor of Ecclesiology and Diaconiology. Retirement of Rev. D. De Jong is to take place D.V. summer 1989.
- f. The Act, By-laws and regulations of the Theological College of the Canadian Reformed Churches states in Bill Pr. 42 5a(6) “No person may be a Governor unless, a. he is a Canadian citizen”.
- 2. The Board of Governors presents the following proposals regarding the Governors (Finance and Property Committee):
- a. to accept the resignation of C. Loopstra and H. Kampen as Governors and pursuant to Section 5 (2) of the Act and Section 3.04 of By-law Number 1 (as amended):
- b. to appoint K. Veldkamp (Toronto) and Dr. J. Boersema (Ancaster) as Governors for a term from the date of their appointment until the third General Synod held after the date of their appointment (with as alternates H. Faber [Burlington] and H. Jager [Ancaster]).
- c. to appoint H. Buist (Burlington-South) and C.G. Heeringa (Ancaster) as Governors for a term from the date of their re-appointment until the second General Synod held after the date of their re-appointment.
- d. to appoint A.L. VanderHout (Hamilton) as Governor for a term from the date of his re-appointment until the first General Synod held after the date of his re-appointment.
- 3. a. to appoint, elect or re-appoint or re-elect six active ministers (in accordance with section 3.04 [a] of By-law Number 1 [as amended]) to hold office until the next General Synod and to appoint at least three substitutes from each Regional Synod area.
- 1. In accordance with By-law 1 (Section 3.04) of the Theological College, the General Synod shall appoint or re-appoint six active ministers to the Board of Governors.
- 2. In accordance with By-law 1 (Section 3.04) of the Theological College, the General Synod shall appoint or re-appoint five brothers, who are not ministers.
- 3. Rev. J. De Jong, although nominated by Regional Synod East of Oct.19, 1988 as an alternate for the Board of Governors, cannot be appointed as an alternate to the Board of Governors due to his appointment as professor of Ecclesiology and Diaconiology at the College.
- 4. Rev. J.D. Wielenga, although nominated by Regional Synod West of Nov. 8, 1988 as an alternate for the Board of Governors, cannot be appointed as an alternate to the Board of Governors due to the fact that he is not a Canadian citizen (By-law, Regulations of the College, Bill Pr.42, 5(6).
- 5. The Church at Abbotsford does make a valid point that all classical resorts should be represented as equally as possible in the Board of Governors. This may be taken into consideration in the future when Regional Synods draw up their nominations for the Board of Governors.
Synod decide:
- 1. to appoint as Governors of the Theological College the following active ministers and their substitutes:
- From eastern Canada: Revs. P Kingma, Cl. Stam, J. VanRietschoten.
- Substitutes: Revs. R. Aasman, G. Nederveen, P.G. Feenstra. (in that order).
- From western Canada: Revs. B.J. Berends, M. VanderWel, C. VanSpronsen.
- Substitutes: Revs. P.K.A. de Boer, J. Moesker, E.J. Tiggelaar (in that order).
- From eastern Canada: Revs. P Kingma, Cl. Stam, J. VanRietschoten.
- 2. to appoint as Governors of the Theological College the following brothers who are not ministers, according to the retirement schedule adopted by the Board of Governors:
- A. VanEgmond (Smithville) (9 years); K. Veldkamp (Toronto) (9 years) [substitutes J. Boersema (Ancaster), R. Lodder (Fergus)]; H. Buist (Burlington South) (6 years); C. G. Heeringa (Ancaster) (6 years); A. L. VanderHout (Hamilton) (3 years).
- 3. to express its sincere gratitude for the work done by the retiring Governors, Revs. J. Mulder, M. van Beveren and J. Visscher.
- 4. to express our sincere gratitude to brothers C. Loopstra and H. Kampen for their many years of faithful service as Trustees/Governors of the Theological College.