GS 1989 ARTICLE 108 – Committee II requests revision of Acts, Article 95. Agenda Item VIII, D, 18
The request for revision is granted so that the Advisory Committee report now reads as follows:
Letter from br. J. VanderMeulen
Since Liturgical Forms are a matter of the churches in common and br. VanderMeulen requests the alteration of one of these forms the matter should be declared admissible.
- 1. Br. J. VanderMeulen requests to change the accepted answer to the questions in the Form for the Ordination of Elders and Deacons, “I do with all my heart” to “I do.”
- 2. It is against his conscience “to say more than what God teaches us in His Word.”
- 3. General Synod 1983 did not publish any Scriptural reasons for the addition “with all my heart.”
- 1. The Scriptural references (Matt.5:37;James 5:12) adduced by br. J. VanderMeulen deal with the unnecessary swearing of an oath, and are not directly applicable to the solemn vow made by the office-bearers when assuming office in Christ’s church.
- 2. The formulation of a vow as is done in the Liturgical Forms express the solemnity and sincerity of the vow. The addition, “with all my heart”, articulates the total commitment required for the execution of the office into which one is installed.
- 3. Since the addition “with all my heart” does not alter the meaning of the expression “I do”, General Synod 1983 does not need to give any special Scriptural reasons for this addition.
Synod decide:
not to accede to the request of br. J. VanderMeulen.
The decision as amended is