GS 1989 ARTICLE 110
In closed session Committee III presents:
Agenda VIII, D, 14
Letter from the Church at Orangeville, ON. re Acts Regional Synod East Oct. 1988, art. 5.
- 1. Regional Synod East, Oct. 1988, judged that the Church at Orangeville should have used Article 71 and 72 C.O. in the release of its minister. (Acts of Regional Synod East, Oct. 19, 1988; point 5, Appeals, part 2)
- 2. The consistory and the deacons of the Church at Orangeville “does not feel that its decision concerning the release of Rev. M. Werkman was wrong. It knows that its decision was not made according to the church order since it felt the situation was not covered in the church order”.
- 3. The consistory and the deacons of the Church at Orangeville request General Synod “to make a decision on what to do: Make a change in the church order to cover occurrences like this or deal with these kinds of matters under the articles as they are presently in the church order”.
The consistory and the deacons of the Church at Orangeville do not request General Synod to judge that Regional Synod East Oct. 1988 was wrong and do not give arguments or proof to indicate why Art. 71 and 72 of the Church Order did not apply in the circumstances.
Synod decide:
- a change in the Church Order is not necessary because the Church at Orangeville does not prove that the Church Order (i.e., Art. 71,72) could not have been used to deal adequately with the circumstances concerning the release of its minister.