Category: GS 1971

  • GS 1971 art 31

    GS 1971 ARTICLE 31 – Acts-Press Release-Adjournment The  Acts and the Press Release of the fifth session are read and adopted. Synod adjourns. The Advisory Committees meet.

  • GS 1971 art 30

    GS 1971 ARTICLE 30 – Re-opening The chairman requests Synod to sing Hymn IV: 5, 6 and reads from Holy Scripture I Timothy 3. He, leads in prayer.

  • GS 1971 art 29

    GS 1971 ARTICLE 29 – Adjournment Br. M. VanGrootheest requests Synod to sing Psalm 138: 1, 4 and leads in thanksgiving. Synod stands adjourned.

  • GS 1971 art 28

    GS 1971 ARTICLE 28 – Book of Praise Committee IV presents: Materials –  Considerations Recommendations 1.  Synod approve of the action of the Committee for an English Cal­vinistic Psalter to supplement the membership of their Committee. ADOPTED 2.  Synod take into account the result of this action when a new Committee is appointed. ADOPTED 3. …

  • GS 1971 art 27

    GS 1971 ARTICLE 27 – Re-opening In plenary session the chairman requests Synod to sing Hymn XV: 1, 2. He welcomes the visitors. It is decided to add to the Agenda (T. 6) a report regarding the Re­ vision of the Church Order, submitted by the Committee appointed by General Synod Orangeville, 1968. This report…

  • GS 1971 art 26

    GS 1971 ARTICLE 26 – Acts The Acts of the 4th session are read and adopted. Synod adjourns, the Committees meet.

  • GS 1971 art 25

    GS 1971 ARTICLE 25 – Re-opening The  chairman requests to sing Hymn IV: 3, 4; he reads from Holy Scripture I Timothy 2: 1-7 and leads in prayer.

  • GS 1971 art 24

    GS 1971 ARTICLE 24 – Adjournment In plenary Session the Rev. H. A. Stel reads from Holy Scripture Psalm 5, and requests Synod to sing Psalm 5: 1, 3, 9, 10. He leads in thanksgiving. Synod stands adjourned.

  • GS 1971 art 23

    GS 1971 ARTICLE 23 – Acts-Press Release The Acts and the Press-release of the 2nd and 3rd session are read and adopted. The committees meet.

  • GS 1971 art 22

    GS 1971 ARTICLE 22 – Re-opening The chairman requests Synod to sing Hymn 4: 1, 2. The Scripture reading is taken from I Timothy 1: 12-20. The chairman leads in prayer.