Category: GS 1971
GS 1971 art 31
GS 1971 ARTICLE 31 – Acts-Press Release-Adjournment The Acts and the Press Release of the fifth session are read and adopted. Synod adjourns. The Advisory Committees meet.
GS 1971 art 30
GS 1971 ARTICLE 30 – Re-opening The chairman requests Synod to sing Hymn IV: 5, 6 and reads from Holy Scripture I Timothy 3. He, leads in prayer.
GS 1971 art 29
GS 1971 ARTICLE 29 – Adjournment Br. M. VanGrootheest requests Synod to sing Psalm 138: 1, 4 and leads in thanksgiving. Synod stands adjourned.
GS 1971 art 28
GS 1971 ARTICLE 28 – Book of Praise Committee IV presents: Materials – Considerations Recommendations 1. Synod approve of the action of the Committee for an English Calvinistic Psalter to supplement the membership of their Committee. ADOPTED 2. Synod take into account the result of this action when a new Committee is appointed. ADOPTED 3. …
GS 1971 art 27
GS 1971 ARTICLE 27 – Re-opening In plenary session the chairman requests Synod to sing Hymn XV: 1, 2. He welcomes the visitors. It is decided to add to the Agenda (T. 6) a report regarding the Re vision of the Church Order, submitted by the Committee appointed by General Synod Orangeville, 1968. This report…
GS 1971 art 26
GS 1971 ARTICLE 26 – Acts The Acts of the 4th session are read and adopted. Synod adjourns, the Committees meet.
GS 1971 art 25
GS 1971 ARTICLE 25 – Re-opening The chairman requests to sing Hymn IV: 3, 4; he reads from Holy Scripture I Timothy 2: 1-7 and leads in prayer.
GS 1971 art 24
GS 1971 ARTICLE 24 – Adjournment In plenary Session the Rev. H. A. Stel reads from Holy Scripture Psalm 5, and requests Synod to sing Psalm 5: 1, 3, 9, 10. He leads in thanksgiving. Synod stands adjourned.
GS 1971 art 23
GS 1971 ARTICLE 23 – Acts-Press Release The Acts and the Press-release of the 2nd and 3rd session are read and adopted. The committees meet.
GS 1971 art 22
GS 1971 ARTICLE 22 – Re-opening The chairman requests Synod to sing Hymn 4: 1, 2. The Scripture reading is taken from I Timothy 1: 12-20. The chairman leads in prayer.