GS 2016 art 76

GS 2016 Article 76 – CRTS – Board of Governors of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary

1. Material

  • 1.1    Report from the Board of Governors of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary (CRTS) (8.2.11)
  • 1.2    Letters from the following CanRC: Dunnville (, Fergus-Maranatha (, Lincoln-Vineyard ( and Toronto-Bethel (
  • 1.3    Letter from the Board of Governors of the CRTS (8.1.4)

2. Observations

  • 2.1    The report of the Board of Governors [hereafter “the Board”] provides an overview of its efforts to ensure the continued operation of the Theological College in Hamilton (CRTS). With the faithful support of the churches the work, training and instruction at CRTS has continued without interruption since the last General Synod. The Board appreciates the contribution of the non-teaching staff to the smooth running of CRTS. Since GS 2013, eleven students have graduated with an M.Div.
  • 2.2    Dr. T. VanRaalte was duly appointed and installed as professor of Ecclesiology.
  • 2.3    Dr. T. VanRaalte successfully defended his dissertation, entitled “Antoine de Chandieu (1534-1591): One of the Fathers of Reformed Scholasticism,” and received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
  • 2.4    Available for distribution is a publication titled Correctly Handling the Word of Truth edited by Dr. M. te Velde (Theological University Kampen (TUK)) and Dr. G.H. Visscher.
  • 2.5    Dr. J. Smith and Dr. J. Van Vliet are eligible for tenure.
  • 2.6    Dr. G.H. Visscher’s term as principal expires in 2017. The Board seeks approval to appoint Dr. J. Van Vliet to one three-year term as principal beginning September 2017.
  • 2.7    The faculty is active in visiting the churches in the federation as well as participating in teaching and speaking engagements overseas.
  • 2.8    The support of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia (FRCA) for CRTS is reflected not only in the students they send, but also in the significant financial contributions they make. Dr. G.H. Visscher represented CRTS on a speaking tour in Australia in the spring of 2014.
  • 2.9    The Pastoral Training Program and the new method of funding internships works very well.
  • 2.10  The Seminary was awarded a seven-year accreditation period in 2013. Reports on aspects of CRTS’s operation need to be submitted to the Association of Theological Schools (ATS)at various intervals.
  • 2.11  On September 4, 2014 the Board, faculty, staff and other invited participants held a strategic planning session. One of the outcomes of this session was a proposal to adopt a revised Statement of Institutional Purpose (SIP):
    • Our Identity
    • The Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary (CRTS) is a Christian institute of theology established by and accountable to the federation of Canadian Reformed Churches.
    • Our Purpose
    • The primary purpose of CRTS is to train students to serve as effective ministers of the Gospel. A secondary purpose is to produce scholarly and popular resources which will serve God’s people throughout the world.
    • Our Basis
    • CRTS submits to the infallible Word of God and is faithful to the ecumenical creeds and the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dordt.
    • Our Core Values
      • Serving our supporting churches
      • Pursuing academic excellence
      • Cultivating pastoral effectiveness
      • Promoting the Reformed heritage far and wide
      • Growing in godliness
      • Showing the fruit of the Holy Spirit in all conduct and communication
      • Exercising good stewardship
  • 2.12  Since GS 2013, the Board has dealt with five matters that required an amendment to the bylaws. These changes have been approved by the Board but, since all bylaw changes need to be approved by General Synod, they submit them for approval. They are as follows:
    • [a.]        By-law 12.05: The Academic Year still referenced the old semester system. This has been updated to reflect the current reality of a two semester system.
    • [b.]        By-law 13.01: The definition of the word “dependent” has caused confusion in the past. The definition has been clarified to avoid confusion.
    • [c.]        By-law 16.01: The by-law stated that all members of the faculty were to be members of the Publication Committee. However, this has been updated to reflect the decision of the Board that only one member of the faculty needs to serve on the Publication Committee along with one member of the Finance and Property Committee and one member of the Academic Committee.
    • [d.]        By-law 11.06: The duties of the Principal have been updated.
    • [e.]        By-law 11.08: The duties of the Academic Dean have been updated.
  • For the complete text of the current By-laws and the proposed changes see Appendix 3 [of the report to GS 2016].
  • 2.13 The Board recommends and proposes:
    • [1.]        To receive this report and all its appendices;
    • [2.]        To acknowledge the expiration of the terms of office of the Rev. Dr. A.J. Pol, the Rev. E. Kampen, br. A. Bax, and br. H. Kampen, and to express gratitude for their work;
    • [3.]        Pursuant to Section 5(2) of the Act and Section 3.04 of By-law 3
      • [a.]          To appoint, elect or reappoint six active ministers to hold office until the next General Synod and to appoint at least three substitutes from each Regional Synod area, keeping in mind that the By-laws prohibit anyone from serving more than three consecutive terms and also keeping in mind that:
        • [i.]             The following brothers were appointed by Synod 2010 and are eligible to be reappointed for one more term: from Regional Synod West, Rev. R. Aasman; from Regional Synod East, Rev. J. Ludwig;
        • [ii.]            The following brothers were appointed by Synod 2013 and are eligible for reappointment for two more terms: from Regional Synod West, Rev. A. Souman; from Regional Synod East, Rev. M. Van Luik;
      • [b.]          To reappoint br. C. Medemblik and br. F. Oostdyk as Governors for a term lasting until the second subsequent General Synod;
      • [c.]          To reappoint br. B. Hordyk as Governor for a term lasting from the date of reappointment until the next subsequent General Synod;
      • [d.]         To appoint two new non-ministerial Governors for a term lasting from the date of appointment until the third subsequent general synod, with a standby replacement candidate as well. The Board’s recommendation for these appointments will be provided after the January 2016 Board meeting in a separate letter, which will also contain curricula vitae.
    • [4.]        To request the churches to continue to remember in their prayers the needs of sr. K. Deddens, Dr. J. DeJong and his wife, sr. J. Faber, Prof. J. Geertsema, and Dr. N. Gootjes and his wife;
    • [5.]        To approve the appointment of Dr. J. Van Vliet as principal for a three-year term starting in September 2017;
    • [6.]        To approve the changes to the By-laws described in this report and to approve the revised Statement of Institutional Purpose;
    • [7.]        To approve all other decisions and actions of the Board and of its committees for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 until the date of this Report;
    • [8.]        To express gratitude for the support from the Free Reformed Churches of Australia;
    • [9.]        To accept the audited financial statements and the report of the Auditors for the previous fiscal periods; to relieve the Treasurer of the Board of all responsibilities for these fiscal periods; to support and recommend the reappointment of Mr. H. Salomons as Auditor until the next General Synod, subject to the discretion and direction of the Board;
    • [10.]      To acknowledge with gratitude the financial contributions of the Women’s Savings Action to the well-being of the Seminary.
  • 2.14  Dunnville proposes the following alternative wording for the ‘Basis’ of the SIP: “CRTS submits to the infallible Word of God in the Old and New Testaments as summarized in the ecumenical creeds and the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dordt.”
  • 2.15  Toronto-Bethel suggests that the SIP should be understood as an internal policy statement. They state “by requiring the adoption and approval by Synod such SIP is elevated to a level of sections 3 and 4 of the Act [CRTC Act 1981] which is not effective nor arguably necessary.”
  • 2.16  Lincoln-Vineyard expresses a concern with the Board’s Recommendation 9.
  • 2.17  Fergus-Maranatha and Toronto-Bethel are suggesting certain amendments to Operating Bylaw 12.
  • 2.18  Toronto-Bethel makes some comments about tenure and suggests that the churches direct the Board to review and consider their policy on tenure and report to the next general synod.
  • 2.19  GS 2013 in Art. 46 adopted recommendation 4.3: “To encourage the CRTS to support the FRCSA [Free Reformed Churches in South Africa] in the training of their theological students, because of the unique circumstances of the FRCSA theological training program.”

    3.     Considerations

  • 3.1    Synod notes with thankfulness that the work of CRTS could continue without interruption between GS 2013 and GS 2016.
  • 3.2    Synod rejoices that Dr. T. VanRaalte successfully defended his dissertation and was awarded his doctorate.
  • 3.3    The letter from the Board (8.1.4) supports the tenure of Dr. J. Van Vliet and Dr. J. Smith.
  • 3.4    Synod is grateful to the FRCA for their continued involvement in CRTS, as well as their prayerful and significant financial support.
  • 3.5    Synod notes with gratitude that the Pastoral Training Program continues to be beneficial for the students and the churches.
  • 3.6    Dunnville’s proposed alterations to the wording for the ‘Basis’ of the SIP have merit on the grounds that:
    • a.  its terminology is consistent with that used by the churches in the forms for baptism and public profession of faith;
    • b.  it is more consistent with the terminology in the Act – CRTC 1981.
  • 3.7    Toronto-Bethel makes some pertinent points about the status of the SIP and the issue of Tenure which are best considered by the Board.
  • 3.8    Toronto-Bethel and Fergus-Maranatha suggest some amendments to Bylaw 12 which are best considered by the Board.
  • 3.9    Lincoln-Vineyard’s concern re the Board’s recommendation 9 ought to be passed on to the Board for their consideration.
  • 3.10  The Board’s request to approve all other decisions and actions of the Board and its committees is a legal requirement in accordance with the College Act.
  • 3.11  It is important that the particular challenges of providing theological education within the FRCSA be remembered.

4. Recommendations

That Synod decide:

  • 4.1    To receive with gratitude the report of the Board of Governors [hereafter “the Board”] and Appendix 1 – Annual Reports of the Finance and Property Committee for 2013, 2014, 2015; Appendix 2 – Audited Financial Statements for CRTS for the fiscal years ended December 31st for each of 2012, 2013 & 2014; Appendix 3 – Operating Bylaw 12 with amendments;
  • 4.2    To acknowledge the expiration of the terms of office of the Rev. Dr. A.J. Pol, the Rev. E. Kampen, br. A. Bax, and br. H. Kampen and to express gratitude for their work;
  • 4.3    Pursuant to Section 5(2) of the Act and Section 3.04 of Bylaw 12: To appoint, elect or reappoint six active ministers to hold office until the next general synod and to appoint at least three substitutes from each regional synod area, keeping in mind that the Bylaws prohibit anyone from serving more than three consecutive terms with the actual appointments to be made under point 9 of the present synod’s agenda, to be prepared by the officers of synod;
  • 4.4    To request the churches to continue to remember in their prayers Mrs. K. Deddens, Dr. and Mrs. J. DeJong, Mrs. J. Faber, Dr. and Mrs. N.H. Gootjes, Prof. J. Geertsema and Dr. and Mrs. C. Van Dam;
  • 4.5    To appoint Dr. J. Van Vliet as principal for one three-year term starting in September 2017;
  • 4.6    With regard to the bylaws and the Statement of Institutional Purpose (SIP):
    • 4.6.1     To approve the changes to the bylaws as described in the Board report (Appendix 3);
    • 4.6.2     To instruct the Board to consider the input of the Fergus-Maranatha and Toronto-Bethel CanRC with respect to the bylaws and to make recommendations to the next Synod;
    • 4.6.3     To approve the revised wording of the SIP and incorporate the change proposed by the Dunnville CanRC;
    • 4.6.4     To instruct the Board to consider the input of the Toronto-Bethel CanRC regarding the status of the SIP and to make a recommendation to the next synod.
  • 4.7    To approve all other decisions and actions of the Board (and of its committees) for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 until the date of its report;
  • 4.8    To express gratitude for the support from the Free Reformed Churches of Australia (FRCA);
  • 4.9    To accept the audited financial statements and the report of the auditor for the fiscal periods ending December 31 for each of 2012, 2013, 2014; to relieve the Treasurer of the Board of all responsibilities for these fiscal periods; to approve the reappointment by the Board of Governors of Mr. H. Salomons as auditor for the fiscal period ending December 31, 2015 and such other and further auditor(s) as the Board may appoint for the fiscal years following December 31, 2015, in the discretion of the Board on a year by year basis until the next general synod;
    • 4.9.1     To pass along the letter of the Lincoln-Vineyard CanRC to the Board to consider;
  • 4.10  To acknowledge with gratitude the enormous contributions of the Women’s Saving Action to the well-being of CRTS;
  • 4.11  To give leave to the Board to grant tenure to Dr. J. Van Vliet and Dr. J. Smith;
  • 4.12  To encourage the Board to remember the specific needs of theological education within the Free Reformed Churches of South Africa (FRCSA) (cf. GS 2016 Art. 47 Rec. 4.3).


with members of the Board of Governors abstaining.