GS 2013 Article 80 – CRTS: Board of Governors’ Report – General

Committee 5 presented its second draft. The result was as follows:

1.         Material:

  • 1.1.      Report of the Board of Governors of the Theological College (8.2.10a)
  • 1.2.      Supplementary Report of the Board of Governors (fifth professor) (8.2.10b)
  • 1.3.      Supplementary Report of the Board of Governors (Board nominations and accreditation) (8.2.10c)

2.         Observations:

  • 2.1.      The report of the Board of Governors gives an overview of its many activities to ensure the ongoing operation of the Theological College in Hamilton.
  • 2.2.      Effective August 31, 2011, Dr. C. Van Dam retired from the Faculty and full time academic work, transitioning to an active member of the Senate. The work and ministry of Dr. C. Van Dam was duly recognized in the Seminary community, most notably with the celebration of Dr. Van Dam’s 40 years in the ministry, a milestone reached in October 2011.
  • 2.3.      In recent years, the dissertations of several faculty members were published. To mark the retirement and to express appreciation for the work of Dr. Van Dam, a volume of collected articles was published to which each faculty member contributed. This collection is entitled Living Waters from Ancient Springs: Essays in Honour of Cornelis Van Dam (Pickwick Publications, 2011). All of these and more are reasons for gratitude and a clear indication of how the Lord has blessed us with a fine community of scholars.
  • 2.4.      The contributions of Rev. J. DeGelder and Dr. N.D. Kloosterman, as instructors in Church polity, were well received and appreciated. The Board is equally appreciative of the assistance and support provided by Rev. Ludwig as instructor in Church polity. The Board is also appreciative of the Churches of Flamborough and Ancaster for permitting their ministers to serve at the Seminary in this capacity.
  • 2.5.      With the approval of Synod 2010, Dr. J. Van Vliet was duly appointed and installed as professor of Dogmatology and Dr. J. Smith was duly appointed and installed as professor of Old Testament.
  • 2.6.      At present the department of Diaconiology and Ecclesiology is led solely by Dr. A.J. de Visser. The board is proposing that Synod approve the appointment of a full time fifth professor who would lead the department of Ecclesiology. Dr. A.J. de Visser would lead the department of Diaconiology.
  • 2.7.      The bond between the Seminary and the Free Reformed Churches of Australia (FRCA) is reflected not only in the student body, but also in the prayers offered by and the significant financial support received from these churches.
  • 2.8.      The Pastoral Training Program and the method of funding internships continue to work well. The PTP Coordinator, Dr. A.J. de Visser, has good communication with the Funding Committee appointed by Guelf-Emmanuel. There is good cooperation from the churches in finding placements for the students and the students continue to testify that the benefits for them are considerable.
  • 2.9.      Synod Burlington 2010 decided in Recommendation 4.10 of Article 103, “to renew the mandate given to Board in sections 5.3-5.5 of Article 130 of the Acts of Synod Smithers 2007.”
    • 2.9.1.   Section 5.3 of Article 130 reads as follows: “To mandate the Board of Governors to initiate a full and independent review that considers all aspects related to the work of the College and that this review and its recommendations be presented to General Synod 2010.”
    • 2.9.2.   Section 5.4 of Article 130 reads as follows: “To mandate the Board of Governors to consider alternate options for the delivery of programs (for example appointment of part time lecturers) if the need arises.” The Board of Governors notes that CRTS had already for some time been making use of part-time lecturers. If Synod 2007 meant that part-time lecturers should be considered as an alternative to appointing a fifth professor, the Board of Governors would like to reiterate what the Board has said in its report to Synod 2010: “the use of part time lecturers is not desirable as a long term solution.”
    • 2.9.3.   Section 5.5 of Article 130 reads as follows: “To mandate the Board to initiate a full review of the expectations of faculty. This includes teaching assignments, service to the churches and programs of research.” By means of the meetings with the men from ARTS, by means of the work of the Review and Accreditation Committee and by means of the ATS Self Study Process, consideration has been given to the above points.
    • 2.9.4.   Section 5.6 of Article 130 reads as follows: “To mandate the Board of Governors to review the appointment procedure for faculty members to ensure transparency within the generally accepted academic appointment process. This review should include the possibility of appointing an academic search committee and a short list of candidates to the churches.” Further, Section 4.11 of Article 103 (Synod 2010) instructed “the Board to inform the churches of the adopted appointment process and to involve the churches in seeking their input in completing the mandate given in Section 5.6 of Article 130 of the Acts of Synod 2007 and to submit the final appointment policy to be reviewed by General Synod 2013.” Both Recommendation 5.6 of Synod 2007 (Article 130) and Recommendation 4.11 of Synod 2010 (Article 103) reference the new appointment process and Synod 2010 asked the Board to submit this policy to Synod 2013 (see Appendix 5). This policy was implemented with respect to the recommendation made to Synod 2010 regarding an appointment in Old Testament and was also used with respect to the       proposal to Synod 2013 regarding a possible appointment in the Ecclesiology Department.
  • 2.10.    Without making references to all of the changes in detail made to Operating Bylaw 12, the Board of Governors can advise that the amendments were required by the following considerations and rationale:
    • 2.10.1. “The addition of the defined terms/concepts of adjunct lecturers and adjunct professor. As the bylaw and Act is now worded, all professors, lecturers, instructors and the like, whether permanent, temporary, or teaching from time to time fell under the strict definition of “Faculty” and this was not intended. Furthermore, there are part time instructors or lecturers who teach a limited number of specialized lectures (as part of a course that is led by a professor) that one would not wish or intend to be part of the Faculty, nor would they strictly qualify to be part of the Faculty. Specifically, a significant undesired implication of this is that according to our documents all such “faculty members” are actually to be seen as members of the Senate who should have voting rights re: Senate decisions. When we refer to them instead as adjunct lecturers and professors, this problem is eliminated. The prefix “adjunct” is an academically known term for those lecturers or professors who are not part of the Faculty but are there on a clearly defined temporary basis. All such adjuncts are carefully screened, chosen and monitored by the Professors who incorporate them into the curriculum program.”
    • 2.10.2. It was decided that the Vice-Chairman of the Board should be a part of the Executive.
    • 2.10.3. It was decided to include a reference to the Bachelor of Theology program on the recommendation of the Senate; and
    • 2.10.4. It was decided to make technical amendments that were necessary to fix errors or which resulted from changes referenced in the three preceding paragraphs.
  • 2.11.    The Board of Governors recommends and proposes:
    • [1.]       To receive this report and all its appendices.
    • [2.]       To acknowledge the expiration of the terms of office of Mr. L. Jagt, Rev. W.B. Slomp, Rev. J. VanWoudenberg and Mr. K. J. Veldkamp and to express gratitude for their work.
    • [3.]       Pursuant to Section 5(2) of the Act and Section 3.04 of Bylaw 12:
      • [3.1.]    To appoint, elect or re-appoint six active ministers to hold office until the next general synod and to appoint at least three substitutes from each Regional Synod area, keeping in mind that the Bylaws prohibit anyone serving more than three consecutive terms and also keeping in mind the following:
        • [3.1.1.] The following brothers were appointed by Synod 2007 and are eligible for reappointment for one more term: from Regional Synod West, Dr. A.J. Pol; from Regional Synod East, Rev. E. Kampen (appointed by Synod as a substitute but now serving on the Board).
        • [3.1.2.] The following brothers were appointed by Synod 2010 and are eligible for reappointment (for two more terms): from Regional Synod West, Rev. R. Aasman; from Regional Synod East, Rev. J. Ludwig.
      • [3.2.]    To reappoint br. B. Hordyk as Governor for a term lasting until the second subsequent general synod;
      • [3.3.]    To reappoint brs. A. Bax and H. Kampen as Governors for a term lasting from the date of reappointment until the next subsequent general synod; and
      • [3.4.]    To appoint two new non-ministerial Governors for terms lasting from the date of appointment until the third subsequent general synod, with two standby replacement candidates as well. The Board’s recommendations for these appointments can be found in a separate letter that also contains the necessary curriculum vitae.
    • [4.]       To express gratitude for the assistance of Rev. DeGelder, Dr. N.H. Kloosterman and Rev. J. Ludwig.
    • [5.]       To request the churches to continue to remember in their prayers the needs of Mrs. K. Deddens, Dr. And Mrs. J. DeJong, Mrs. J. Faber, Dr. And Mrs. N.H. Gootjes and Prof. J. Geertsema.
    • [6.]       To approve the Board appointing a full-time fifth professor for the Department of Ecclesiology, with such professor to be designated as the Professor of Ecclesiology.
    • [7.]       If Synod approves such new position and department, to approve the appointment of a new full time professor in Ecclesiology in accordance with the recommendation of the Board contained in a submission separate from this Report.
    • [8.]       To approve the reappointment of Dr. G.H. Visscher as Principal for the years 2014-2017.
    • [9.]       To confirm that the Board has fully met its mandates as given it by Synod Smithers 2007 and Synod Burlington 2010.
    • [10.]     To approve the amendments to Bylaw 12 as described in this report.
    • [11.]     To approve all other decisions and actions of the Board and of its committees for the years 2010, 2011 and 2012 until the date of this Report.
    • [12.]     To express gratitude for the support from the Free Reformed Churches in Australia.
    • [13.]     To consider the audited financial statements and the report of the Auditor for the fiscal periods ending December 31 for each of 2009, 2010 and 2011; to relieve the Treasurer of the Board of all responsibilities for these fiscal periods; to approve the reappointment by the Board of Governors of H. Salomons as Auditor for the fiscal period ending December 31, 2012 and such other and further Auditor(s) as the Board of Governors may appoint for fiscal years following December 31, 2012, in the discretion of the Board of Governors on a year by year basis until the next general synod.
    • [14.]     To acknowledge with gratitude the enormous contributions of the Women’s Saving Action to the well-being of the College.
  • 2.12.    The Board of Governors in a supplementary report dated April 26, 2013 provides recommendations for the following non-ministerial brothers to serve on the Board of Governors and specifically on the Finance and Property Committee: Primary: Cornelius H. Medemblik and Frank Oostdyk; Secondus: Alan Schutten and Mark DeBoer. They also provide an update on the Self-Accreditation/Independent Review – Association of Theological Schools. In March of 2013 a five-person visitation team appointed by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) visited the Seminary for three days as part of the review and accreditation process. This visitation team decided to recommend to the ATS Commission on Accrediting that the Seminary be granted a seven year accreditation, the maximum accreditation period possible before the next review. It is expected that the ATS Commission on Accrediting will review the report of the visiting team and relevant documents in August of 2013 after which we will be informed of the decision of the ATS Commission on Accrediting. The Board of Governors considers the task given to them by Synod Smithers 2007(as extended and affirmed by Synod Burlington 2010) regarding a full external review, to have been completed to the full extent and in the best manner possible.
  • 2.13.    Fergus-North feels that the Seminary should continue to ensure that all teaching staff, those full time and those that teach a course or a semester, are not only qualified, but are members of one of the federations with which the CanRC have EF.

3.         Considerations:

  • 3.1.      Synod notes with thankfulness that the work at the Theological College could continue without interruption between Synod Burlington 2010 and Synod Carman 2013.
  • 3.2.      Synod notes with thankfulness that Dr. C. Van Dam has completed many years of faithful service at the Theological College in Hamilton and on August 31, 2011 could enter into retirement and that the faculty of the College has been able to publish various works which indicate a high level of scholarship.
  • 3.3.      Synod notes with thankfulness the contributions of Rev. J. DeGelder, Dr. N. Kloosterman and Rev. J. Ludwig as instructors of Church polity, the support of their respective churches for their service at the Seminary and the faithful service of Dr. J. Van Vliet and Dr. J. Smith since their appointments and installation in 2010.
  • 3.4.      In Article 11 of the Acts, Synod has approved the appointment of a full time professor for the Department of Ecclesiology with such professor to be designated as the Professor of Ecclesiology. With giving this approval, Synod also notes with thankfulness the faithful service of Dr. A.J. de Visser as Professor of Ecclesiology from 2004 to 2013.
  • 3.5.      Synod is grateful to the Free Reformed Churches of Australia for their continued involvement in the College, as well as their financial and prayerful support.
  • 3.6.      Synod notes with gratitude that the Pastoral Training Program continues to be beneficial for the students and the churches.
  • 3.7.      The mandate given by Synod Smithers 2007 (Article 130, Sections 5.3-5.5) and renewed by Synod Burlington 2010, regarding a full external review, is now complete. Synod notes with deep gratitude the considerable work done by the Board of Governors, the Faculty and the Staff of the Theological Seminary with respect to this review.
  • 3.8.      The Board’s request to approve all other decisions and actions of the Board and its committees is a legal requirement in accordance with the College Act.
  • 3.9.      The Board in its recommendation concerning amendments to Operating Bylaw 12, notes that all adjunct professors are to be carefully screened, chosen and monitored by the professors who incorporated them into the curriculum.

4.         Recommendations:

That Synod decide:

  • 4.1.      To receive with gratitude the report of the Board of Governors and its appendices (Appendix 1 and 2 – Reports 1 and 2 of Review and Accreditation Committee to Board dated Dec 6, 2010 and March 3, 2011 respectively, Appendix 3 – ATS Standards, Appendix 4 – Self Study Report as submitted November 1, 2012 (without attachments), Appendix 5 – Appointment Policy for New Professors, Appendix 6 – 2010, 2011 & 2012 Annual reports of the Finance and Property Committee, Appendix 7 – Audited Financial Statements for CRTS for the fiscal years ended December 31 for each of 2009, 2010 & 2011, Appendix 8 – Operating Bylaw with amendments).
  • 4.2.      To acknowledge the many years of faithful service of Dr. C. Van Dam and to express gratitude for his service.
  • 4.3.      To acknowledge the expiration of the terms of office of Mr. L. Jagt, Rev. W.B. Slomp, Rev. J. VanWoudenberg and Mr. K. J. Veldkamp and to express gratitude for their work.
  • 4.4.      Pursuant of Section 5(2) of the Act and Section 3.04 of Bylaw 12: To appoint, elect or re-appoint six active ministers to hold office until the next general synod and to appoint at least three substitutes from each Regional Synod area, keeping in mind that the bylaws prohibit anyone serving more than three consecutive terms, with the actual appointments to be made under Point 9 of the Agenda, to be prepared by the officers of Synod.
  • 4.5.      To express gratitude for the assistance of Rev. DeGelder, Dr. N.H. Kloosterman and Rev. J. Ludwig and the churches at Flamborough and Ancaster for their good cooperation in allowing their ministers to give this assistance.
  • 4.6.      To request the churches to continue to remember in their prayers the needs of Mrs. K. Deddens, Dr. and Mrs. J. DeJong, Mrs. J. Faber, Dr. and Mrs. N.H. Gootjes and Prof. J. Geertsema.
  • 4.7.      To reappoint Dr. G.H. Visscher as Principal for the years 2014-17.
  • 4.8.      To confirm that the Board has fully met its mandates as given it by Synod Smithers 2007 and Synod Burlington 2010.
  • 4.9.      To approve the amendments to Bylaw 12 as described in the Board’s Report.
  • 4.10.    To approve all other decisions and actions of the Board (and of its committees) for the years 2010, 2011, 2012 until the date of its report.
  • 4.11.    To express gratitude for the support from the Free Reformed Churches in Australia.
  • 4.12.    To accept the audited financial statements and the report of the Auditor for the fiscal periods ending December 31 for each of 2009, 2010, 2011, to relieve the Treasurer of the Board of all the responsibilities for these fiscal periods, to approve the reappointment by the Board of Governors of H. Salomons as Auditor for the fiscal period ending December 31, 2012 and such other and further auditor(s) as the Board of Governors may appoint for the fiscal years following December 31, 2012, in the discretion of the Board of Governors on a year by year basis until the next general synod.
  • 4.13.    To acknowledge with gratitude the enormous contributions of the Women’s Saving Action to the well-being of the Seminary.
  • 4.14.    To express gratitude to Dr. A. J. de Visser for his faithful service as Professor of Ecclesiology from 2004-2013.
  • 4.15.    To answer Fergus-North’s concern with Consideration 3.9.


with members of the Board of Governors abstaining