GS 2010 Article 179 – Closing of Synod
With gratitude to the Lord, Rev. Aasman noted that Synod could take place in brotherly harmony. He thanked the Burlington-Ebenezer Church for all the work involved in hosting the Synod, and in particular br. G.J Nordeman for all he did in facilitating the preparations and in help given during Synod. A special word of thanks was also extended to the ladies who helped in the kitchen as well as to the families who hosted delegates in their homes. On behalf of Synod, Rev. Aasman presented a gift to the Burlington-Ebenezer church. In turn, he was given the gavel and base, hand-crafted by a member of the congregation for synod, as a souvenir of his work as chairman. He also thanked the members of Synod who worked so well together and above all our heavenly Father who made this work for the coming of the Kingdom possible.
On behalf of Synod, the vice-chairman expressed appreciation to Rev. Aasman for the pleasant and efficient way in which he had chaired the sessions. Rev. Aasman read Revelation 1:12-20 and gave a closing meditation, after which he led in prayer. All present then sang Ps 67:1 and the chairman declared Synod Burlington-Ebenezer 2010 closed.