GS 2010 Article 119 – SCBP: Appointments

1.          Material

  • 1.1       Letter church of Langley (8.3.J.31).
  • 1.2       SCBP Report, Section One, 7.0 (8.2.j).

2.         Observations

  • 2.1        Langley suggests that the SCBP “be mandated to seek out more people with poetic abilities to help in subsequent revisions and editions of the Psalter.”
  • 2.2        Langley also suggests that Synod not grant the committee’s request to renew the terms of the entire committee for more three year terms, but that beginning immediately, the committee begin a process of turnover. Langley states that its suggestion to not grant the SCBP appointment request “is intended to promote new insights and approaches into the thinking of the Committee.” They do agree, however, that to have four of the five members retire in one year would not be wise, and suggest it would be better if only one or two retired, thus providing continuity among the majority of the committee.
  • 2.3        The SCBP reports that upon the resignation of Dr. Gootjes from the committee due to illness, in line with Acts General Synod 1989, Article167, Dr. A.J. de Visser was appointed to replace him on the SCBP.
  • 2.4       The SCBP proposes to Synod to appoint A.J. de Visser to three 3-years terms (to 2019) and to reappoint C. van Halen-Faber and D.G.J. Agema to one 3-year term (to 2013), and C.J. Nobels and G.Ph. Van Popta to two 3-year terms (to 2016). The SCBP states that its recommendation for appointments allows for staggered member renewal and adds: “Four of the Committee members are due to complete their term in 2010. The work is at a critical stage with respect to implementing the various changes to the Book of Praise; therefore continuity is highly desirable.”
  • 2.5       The SCBP also requests Synod to reappoint F. Ezinga and K. Dieleman as music and language advisors respectively.

3.          Considerations

  • 3.1        The church of Langley offers no reason for suggesting the appointment of more people with poetic abilities, and K. Dieleman has been reappointed to give advice concerning language.
  • 3.2        Langley reasons that a turnover in the SCBP would provide a variety of approach, but does admit that continuity is also important.
  • 3.3       Dr. A.J. de Visser is a recent appointee to the committee.
  • 3.4        In light of the decision to publish a provisional Book of Praise and to mandate the SCBP to receive and recommend any improvements to this publication for a final edition after 2013, it would be prudent to have continuity in the committee until then.

4.          Recommendation

That Synod decide:

  • 4.1        Not to accede to the two requests of Langley
  • 4.2       To appoint and reappoint as requested by the SCBP in its report.
  • 4.3       To reappoint the two advisors as proposed.