GS 2010 Article 114 – SCBP: Promotion of the Book of Praise

1.          Material

  • 1.1        SCBP Report, Section One, 3.0 (8.2.j).
  • 1.2        Letters from Guelph (8.3.J.4), Cloverdale (8.3.J.40), and WinnipegRedeemer (8.3.J.41).

2.          Observations

  • 2.1        Two churches emphasized the matter of the promotion of the Book of Praise among the churches and in the English speaking world.
  • 2.2        One of these churches also wishes to see the development of materials to promote musical accompaniment in the worship services.
  • 2.3        One church proposes that Synod consider appointing a western sub-committee to focus on this effort. The added benefit of such a committee would be more involvement from the western churches in the work of the SCBP.
  • 2.4        In its report the SCBP notes the expressions of interest in our Book of Praise. During the past three years, the committee responded to various requests for information regarding the Book of Praise, and also dealt with a number of requests to copy, in whole or in part, the Psalms and Hymns as well as other parts of the Book of Praise. These requests originated from within as well as from outside of our federation of churches. The committee is delighted that there remains considerable interest at home and abroad in the Anglo-Genevan Psalter. The committee anticipates it will advertise the revised Psalm and Hymn sections more widely once these have been adopted by the churches. The committee published a press release on two occasions to keep the churches informed about the progress of the work of the committee. The committee requests Synod that the mandate to foster an increased awareness of the existence of the Book of Praise, among others in the English-speaking world, be continued.

3.         Considerations

  • 3.1         Synod considers that the SCBP has been promoting the Book of Praise, but has also been quite involved in working on a revised Book of Praise.
  • 3.2        Synod also considers that a final edition of the Book of Praise will not be available until at least after 2013.
  • 3.3        Synod sees no need at this time for appointing a Book of Praise promotion subcommittee.

4.          Recommendation

That Synod decide:

  • 4.1        To continue to instruct the SCBP to continue to promote awareness of the Book of Praise in the English-speaking world as much as possible.
  • 4.2        To promote the authorized provisional Book of Praise among the churches as it is being tested for a final edition
  • 4.3        To encourage the SCBP to develop and promote materials for the musical accompaniment in the worship services.