GS 2007 Article 3 – Election of Officers and Constitution of Synod
The following officers were elected to serve synod for its duration:
Chairman: D. Agema
Vice-chairman: J. Visscher
First Clerk: G. Nederveen
Second Clerk: R. Schouten
On behalf of the convening church, Rev. VanSpronsen declared synod constituted. The elected officers took their places. Rev. Agema thanked the convening church for all the work they had done in preparation for synod. He also spoke some words of appreciation for the confidence that the meeting placed in the officers of synod and he stressed that the work of synod is to serve the churches. He mentioned that the work of synod will be scrutinized by the churches, which is good, because all the work of this assembly needs to be done according to the Word of God. He expressed the hope that the twenty four delegates would be able to do this work of service in an atmosphere of harmony. The chairman then called for a break to give the officers the opportunity to make some arrangements for the proceedings of synod.