GS 2007 Article 2 – Credentials
The credentials were examined and all brothers were properly delegated. From among the ministers delegated, two ministers were alternates for the brothers Clarence VanderVelde and Richard Aasman who informed the meeting in writing that they could not attend. The following brothers were in attendance:
From Regional Synod East:
Ministers: Douwe G.J. Agema, Peter G. Feenstra, Eric Kampen (alternate), Gijsbert Nederveen, Anthon Souman and John VanWoudenberg
Elders: Harry DeVries, John G. Heyink, Chris J. Nobels, Gerard J. Nordeman, Ebel H. Pol and Fred Westrik
From Regional Synod West:
Ministers: Clarence Bouwman (alternate), Peter Holtvlüwer, John Louwerse, Robert A. Schouten, James Visscher and William M. Wielenga
Elders: Henk A. Berends, Peter DeBoer, Jacob Kuik, Ben Meerstra, Art Poppe and Albert VanLeeuwen