GS 2007 Article 173 – CCCA – General Mandate
The advisory committee presented its proposal:
1. Material
- 1.1 CCCA Report pp. 111-114
2. Observations
- 2.1 The CCCA formed two sub-committees divided geographically. The sub-committees carried out their allotted work, and also met together to fulfil their mandate. The CCCA requests that new appointments be made taking the geography into account.
- 2.2 One of the appointees of previous synod could not accept his appointment. The committee appointed Dr. R.A. Faber to fill the vacancy.
- 2.3 Three of the eight committee members have served their full term.
3. Considerations
- 3.1 The geographical spread of the committee, each section with its own emphasis, is to be commended.
- 3.2 To keep the committee at full strength, new appointments should be made.
4. Recommendation
Synod decide:
- 4.1 To thank the CCCA, as well as its subcommittees, for all the work done and presented.
- 4.2 To thank specifically the retiring brothers for the work they have done over the years, and appoint two new brothers from Manitoba and one new brother from Ontario.
- 4.3 To mandate the CCCA:
- 4.3.1 To continue contact with all those churches in the Americas with which we have ecclesiastical fellowship according to the adopted rules, and in accordance with the mandates described in decisions taken by synod with respect to the churches with which we have ongoing relationships.
- 4.3.2 To investigate diligently all the requests received for entering into ecclesiastical fellowship in the Americas.
- 4.3.3 To respond, if possible and feasible, to specific requests made to attend assemblies, synods, or meetings of other churches in the Americas.
- 4.3.4 To report on its findings with suitable recommendations to the next general synod, and to present to the churches a report of its work six months prior to the convening of the next general synod.