GS 2004 art 29

GS 2004 Article 29 – CCCA re: The Independent Presbyterian Churches in Mexico (IPCM)

Committee 1 presented its proposal on the CCCA report re: The Independent Presbyterian Churches in Mexico (IPCM).  After several rounds of discussion, the following was adopted:

1.    Material

The report of the CCCA re: the Independent Presbyterian Churches in Mexico (IPCM)

2.    Observations

  • 2.1.   Synod Neerlandia 2001 mandated the CCCA “to further investigate the IPCM.”
  • 2.2.   The committee made numerous attempts to fulfill its mandate, but it was unable to establish any real, meaningful contact with the IPCM.

3.    Consideration

The committee has fulfilled its mandate but with little or no results.

4.    Recommendations

Synod decide:

  • 4.1.   To thank the committee for the attempts made to investigate the IPCM.
  • 4.2.   To declare that at this time there is no reason to pursue actively an ecclesiastical relationship with the IPCM.