GS 2004 Article 26 – CCCA re: Korean Presbyterian Churches in North America (KPCNA)
Committee 1 presented its proposal on the CCCA report re: Korean Presbyterian Churches in North America (KPCNA). After a round of discussion, the following was adopted:
1. Material
- 1.1. Report of the CCCA re: Korean Presbyterian Churches in North America
- 1.2. Letter from the Church at Fergus
- 1.3. Letter from the Church at Carman (West)
2. Admissibility
The letters from the churches are declared admissible since they interact with the report submitted.
3. Observations
- 3.1. The committee reports that efforts to contact some of the Canadian addresses on the list of Korean pastors in North and South America have been fruitless (cf. Acts of Synod Neerlandia 2001, Art. 74, Observation 3.2.4). Therefore, the committee recommends that Synod decide to discontinue the mandate of the CCCA to contact the Korean Presbyterian Churches in North America.
- 3.2. The church at Fergus has taken note of various parts of Art. 74 of the Acts of Synod Neerlandia 2001 (especially 3.2.4, 4.7, 5.6) and, therefore, proposes that renewed efforts be taken by our committee to contact these churches, requesting the help of the current General Secretary of the Presbyterian Church of Korea, Dr. Ho Jin Jun. Fergus adduces that, in view of our relationship with the PCK, it is incumbent upon us to have meaningful fellowship with their churches here on this continent.
- 3.3. The church at Carman (West) submits that with the technology presently available, it should not be necessary to rely on a handwritten list of Korean pastors, but that by means of telephone, fax, internet, or contact with the PCK, the mandate can be executed.
4. Consideration
The churches at Fergus and Carman (West) bring forward valid arguments for the CCCA to continue their attempts in fulfilling the mandate in regard to these churches.
5. Recommendation
Synod decide to mandate the CCCA to contact the Korean Presbyterian Churches in North America with the help of our sister churches in Korea.