GS 2004 Article 106 – Archives Synod Neerlandia 2001
Committee 3 presented its proposal on the report re: the archives of Synod Neerlandia 2001. The following was adopted:
1. Material
Letter from the church at Burlington-Waterdown re: inspection of the General Archives
2. Admissibility
This letter is declared admissible.
3. Observation
The church at Burlington-Waterdown informs Synod that the archives of Synod Neerlandia 2001, housed by the church at Burlington-East, and kept by br. G. Denbok, were duly inspected by two members of their consistory and found to be in good order
4. Recommendations
Synod decide:
- 4.1. To thank the church at Burlington-Waterdown for examining the archives and reporting to Synod;
- 4.2. To thank the archive keeping church at Burlington-East; 4.3. To thank br. G. Denbok.