GS 2001 art 65

GS 2001 Article 65Finances Synod Fergus

Committee 2 presented its proposal on the Finances of Synod Fergus. The following was adopted:

1. Material

  • 1.1. Statement of income and expenses from the Financial Committee of General Synod 1998.
  • 1.2. Audit Report from the Emmanuel Church at Guelph concerning the finances of Synod 1998.

2. Observations

  • 2.1. General Synod 1998 appointed the Church at Guelph to audit the books of the finances of General Synod 1998.
  • 2.2. The financial statement disclosed that the total cost of Synod was $28,795.45. For further details, including a comparison of three preceding General Synods, see Appendices.
  • 2.3. The Church at Guelph has audited the books of the finances of General Synod 1998,and reports that they were found to be in good order.
  • 2.4. The Church at Guelph indicates, “Since the bank did not return the cancelled cheques, all that could be done was compare the invoices and expense reports with the debits in the passbook. Therefore, it could not be established to whom the cheques had been made payable.”  The Church at Guelph therefore offers two recommendations:
    • 2.4.1. That the convening church instruct the treasurer of Synod to pay only those invoices and expense reports which have been authorized for payment by an executive of Synod in order to improve accountability.
    • 2.4.2. To instruct the treasurer of Synod to have the cancelled cheques returned if it is possible. In the event that the cancelled cheques are not returned to the treasurer, that the recipient of the money state on the expense report that payment has been received and in which manner.

3. Considerations

  • 3.1. We appreciate the effort to improve the clarity of the financial reports and provide a comparison of expenses incurred by previous Synods.
  • 3.2. It is appropriate to have a proper record of those receiving payment of expenses.
  • 3.3. The recommendation that a member of the executive of Synod approve all invoices and expenses for payments seems to be extreme. Nevertheless the Finance Committee should ensure that there is financial accountability.
  • 3.4. Synod agrees that cancelled cheques should be returned whenever possible. The recipient of expense funds should indicate receipt and method of payment on their report.

4. Recommendations

Synod decide:

  • 4.1. To express appreciation for the work done by the Finance Committee of General Synod 1998 and by the auditing church.
  • 4.2. To discharge the Finance Committee of General Synod 1998 on the basis of the auditors’ report of the Church at Guelph.
  • 4.3. To appoint a Finance Committee that will pay the expenses incurred by General Synod 2001, using funds submitted by the treasurer of each Regional Synod. This committee will forward any balance of funds to the convening church of next General Synod. They will also submit a financial statement to the next General Synod, audited by the Church at Barrhead.
  • 4.4. To appoint as Finance Committee of General Synod 2001: the brothers P. Dejong and B. Wierenga.
  • 4.5. To instruct the Finance Committee that cancelled cheques should be returned whenever possible. The recipient of expense funds should indicate receipt and method of payment on their report.
  • 4.6. To appoint the Church at Barrhead to audit the books of the Finance Committee for General Synod 2001 and report to the next General Synod.

As it was the end of the school day, the chairman led the closing devotion for the students from the Covenant Canadian Reformed School who had witnessed the proceedings. He requested that Psalm 122:1 be sung. After singing he led in thanksgiving. He spoke words of appreciation to the students for having come to witness the working of Synod. Synod then broke for committee work.