GS 1989 ARTICLE 5Greetings from Abroad

The chairman reads a letter with greetings and blessings from Die Vrije Gerefor- meerde Kerke van Suid Afrika.

He also reads a letter from the Free Reformed Churches of Australia with greetings and the Lord’s blessings.

Fraternal greetings are received from the Free Church of Scotland, as expressed by Rev. C. Graham and conveyed by Rev. M. Van Beveren.

It is noted that Rev. J.J. Peterson will be visiting Synod, D.V., April 24-28 as a fraternal delegate from the OPC. Rev. M. VanderWel will introduce Rev. Peterson and Rev. R. Aasman will reply to him.

It is also noted that br. Jac. van der Kolk hopes to visit Synod as a delegate from the Gereformeerde Kerken (Vrijgemaakt) in the Netherlands. Rev. B.J. Berends will intro- duce this delegate and Rev. M. VanderWel will reply to him.