GS 1989 ARTICLE 132
Committee IV presents: Agenda VIII E 7
Letter of the Church at Hamilton re appointment of professors.
- 1. The Church at Hamilton refers to the fact that nominations for appointments of professors are made known only to General Synod and are not passed on beforehand to delegates to Synod.
- 2. The Church at Hamilton requests that Synod “instruct the Board of Governors to make available as part of the ‘Report of the Board of Governors to General Synod’ a confidential report including a curriculum vitae of proposed new professors for an available faculty vacancy”.
It is necessary that the delegates to Synod are provided with the proper information so that they can prepare themselves adequately for their work at General Synod.
Synod decide:
- to instruct the Board of Governors that in the event of future appointments to the Faculty at the Theological College, the Board of Governors will make available to the delegates to General Synod the confidential report including curriculum vitae of proposed new professors for an available faculty vacancy one month before the convening of General Synod.