GS 1986 ARTICLE 155
Theological College, Board of Governors
Committee 3 presents:
- – Agenda, VIII, A, 2a Report of the Board of Governors.
- A, 2c Supplementary Report of the Board of Governors.
- 1. Due to the early date of this synod of 1986, the board was unable to cover in its report to this synod three academic years and had to restrict itself to the academic years 1983/1984 and 1984/1985.
- 2. The work at the Theological College could be continued without interruption , although illness among the students gave reason for concern.
- 3. The governors who visited the lectures during the past two years reported on good effort and hard work displayed by staff and students, and that the instruction is done in harmony with the Word of God.
- 4. Seven students completed their studies. For the academic year 1985/1986 no new students arrived. The enrolment stands at ten.
- 5. The board is thankful to report that after several years of intensive searching, a more suitable building for our college could be purchased. The acquisition and expansion of the new premises were facilitated by a generous donation from the Women’s Savings Action and by a successful building-fund drive held among the churches of our federation and our Australian sister-churches.
- 6. The board acknowledges the spiritual and financial support which the college continues to receive from the churches. The interest of the church members is also apparent at the annual Convocation/College Evening. The continued efforts of the Women’s Saving Action to enrich the library are greatly appreciated.
- 7. Deputies for the Training for the Ministry of the Word of our Australian sister churches requested the board to give information on the possibilities that the Free Reformed Churches of Australia would become formally involved in the maintenance of our college. The board answered them by a letter of January 25, 1986. and requests synod to approve the response sent to the above deputies.
- 8. The board also requests this synod to approve the establishing of a two-year program leading to a diploma in theological studies.
- The explanation and details of the program were contained in a report of the senate to the board.
- 9. The Church at Hamilton requested the board to establish a special missionary training at the college. The board asked the faculty for advice. The faculty reported that such a training of one year (two semesters) can be made available and gave the board an outline of the courses involved. The board agreed with this report and this training is now available.
- 10. The board submits for the information of synod a copy of by-law, number 4 (relating to the operation and function of the senate), and a copy of By-law, number 5 (relating to academic regulations).
- 1. Although it would be desirable that our Australian sister-churches in the future are able to establish an Australian training for the ministry. it is a laudable fact that they are exploring the possibility of becoming formally involved in the maintenance of the Theological College.
- 2. From the report of the senate to the board, it appears that there is a need for establishing a two-year program leading to a diploma in theological studies. Mission-aid workers in the fields of education, health care; relief workers in the third world countries; pastoral assistants and workers in the field of home mis sion should have a general theological schooling, in addition to the special field for which they have studied.
- 3. It is beneficial for the churches sending out a missionary that the college offers a special, missionary training.
- 4. It is beneficial to the churches that the faculty continues to offer evening series of lectures.
Synod decides,
- 1. to express gratitude that the work at the Theological College continues without interruption and that all instruction is given in harmony with the Word of God and in agreement with the confessions of the churches;
- 2. to express gratitude that a more suitable building for the college could be acquired and that this was possible due to the generous donation of the Women’s Savings Action and a building-fund drive held among the churches and the Australian sister-churches;
- 3. to acknowledge gratefully the spiritual and financial support which the College continues to receive from the churches;
- 4. to approve the response of the Board of Governors to the Deputies for the Training for the Ministry of the Word of the Australian sister-churches, expressing the hope that these churches will become more involved in the maintenance of the college;
- 5.
to approve the establishing of a two-year program leading to a diploma in theological studies;
- 6. to thank the faculty for making available to the churches a special, missionary training at the college;
- 7. to express appreciation for the work done by the faculty to serve the churches in general with their expertise, and to encourage the faculty to publish the results of their academic endeavours lo the benefit of all the churches;
- 8. to receive and adopt the report and the supplementary report of the Board of Governors and all appendices;
- 9. to acknowledge gratefully and approve the actions of the Board of Governors and officers of the college as mentioned in these reports.
The recommendations are ADOPTED.