GS 1986 ARTICLE 107
Theological College
Committee 3 presents:
– Agenda VIII,
- A, 1 Nominations for the Board of Governors of the Theological College
- a. Regional Synod East
- b. Regional Synod West
- A, 2 Board of Governors, Report to General Synod 1986.
- 1. a. The Board of Governors recommends that synod “appoint, select, reap point, or reelect six active ministers as governors (in accordance with Section 3.04 (a) of By-law Number 1 [as amended]) to hold office until the next General Synod and to appoint at least three substitutes from each regional Synod area.”
- b. Regional Synod East of March 27/29, 1985, nominated as governors (Academic Committee) the Revs. P. Kingma, J. Mulder, and Cl. Stam, and, as substitutes, the Revs. J. VanRietschoten, M. Werkman, and J. DeJong, in that order.
- c. Regional Synod West of February 5-7, 1985, nominated as governors(Academic Committee) the Revs. J. Geertsema, M. van Beveren, and J. Visscher, and, as substitutes, the Revs. M. VanderWel, B.J. Berends, and C. VanSpronsen, in that order.
- d. The Rev. J. Geertsema has been appointed by Synod as professor of New Testament (Acts, Article 10).
- 2. The Board of Governors presents the following proposals regarding the governors (Finance and Property Committee):
- a. To accept the resignations of Mr. Arie Hordyk and Mr. Maas VanGrootheest as governors, and pursuant to Section 5 (2) of the Act and Section 3.04 of By-law Number 1 (as amended);
- b. to appoint Hendrik Buist, Esq. (Burlington), and Casper G. Hearings, Esq. (Dundas), as governors for a term from the date of their appointment until the third general synod held after the date of their appointment;
- c. to reappoint A.L. VanderHout, Esq. (Hamilton), as governor for a term from the date of his reappointment until the second general synod held after the date of his reappointment;
- d. to reappoint Henk Kampen, Esq. (Richmond Hill), and C.M. Loopstra, LLB. (Toronto), as governors for a term from the date of their reappointment until the next general synod held after the date of their reappointment.
- 3. The Board of Governors presents the following information regarding the Faculty of the Theological College:
- a. After five years as Lecturer of Ecclesiology, the Rev. W.W.J. VanOene re quested to be released from his obligations towards the College due to his retirement from the active ministry and his intended move to British Columbia. The Board of Governors is thankful for his faithful labour until the end of the academic year 1984/1985.
- b. The Rev. G. VanDooren, although retired as lecturer in Diaconiology in 1982, made himself available to continue as temporary instructor until the end of February, 1984.
- c. On September 7, 1984, Dr. K. Deddens could be installed as professor of Diaconiology. His mandate was extended when he, after the retirement of Rev . W.W.J. VanOene, was also appointed professor of Ecclesiology.
- d. Prof. L. Salles, due to his age, is to retire as professor of New Testament at the end of the academic year 1985/1986.
- 1. In accordance with By-law 1 (Section 3.04) of the Theological College, the General Synod shall appoint or reappoint six active ministers to the Board of Governors.
- 2. In accordance with By-law 1 (Section 3.04) of the Theological College, the General Synod shall appoint or reappoint five brothers, who are not ministers.
- 3. The Rev. J. Geertsema, although nominated by Regional Synod West, February 5 – 7, 1985, to the Board of Governors, cannot be appointed to the Board of Governors due to his appointment as Professor of New Testament at the College.
- 4. Regional Synod West nominated as first substitute the Rev. M. VanderWel of Abbotsford, BC.
Synod decide:
- 1. To appoint as Governors of the Theological College the following active ministers and their substitutes:
- From Eastern Canada: Rev. P. Kingma, Rev. J. Mulder, Rev. Cl. Stam.
- Substitutes: Rev. J. VanRietschoten, Rev. M. Werkman, Rev. J. De Jong, in that order;
- From Western Canada: Rev. M. van Beveren, Rev. M VanderWel, Rev. J. Visscher.
- Substitutes: Rev. B.J. Berends, Rev. C VanSpronsen, Rev. J.D. Wielenga, in that order;
- From Eastern Canada: Rev. P. Kingma, Rev. J. Mulder, Rev. Cl. Stam.
- 2. to appoint as governors of the Theological College the following brothers who are not ministers, according to the retirement schedule adopted by the Board of Governors:
- H. Buist (9 years): C.G. Heeringa (9 years); A.L VanderHout (6 years); H. Kampen (3 years); C.M. Loopstra (3 years);
- 3. to express our sincere gratitude to the brothers A. Hordyk and M. VanGrootheest for their many years of faithful service as trustees/governors of the Theological College;
- 4. to thank the Rev. W.W.J. VanOene , M. Th , for the faithful and fruitful work done as Lecturer of Ecclesiology at the Theological College;
- 5. to thank the Rev. G. VanDooren. M.Th., for the work faithfully done as temporary instructor in diaconiology until the end of February, 1984.
The recommendations are ADOPTED.