GS 1986 ARTICLE 107

Theological College

Committee 3 presents:


–   Agenda VIII,

  • A, 1 Nominations for the Board of Governors of the Theological College
    • a.  Regional Synod East
    • b.  Regional Synod West
  • A, 2 Board of Governors, Report to General Synod 1986.


  • 1.     a. The Board of Governors recommends that synod “appoint, select, reap­ point, or reelect six active ministers as governors (in accordance with Sec­tion 3.04 (a) of By-law Number 1 [as amended]) to hold office until the next General Synod and to appoint at least three substitutes from each regional Synod area.”
    • b.    Regional Synod East of March 27/29, 1985, nominated as governors (Academic Committee) the Revs. P. Kingma, J. Mulder, and Cl. Stam, and, as substitutes, the Revs. J. VanRietschoten, M. Werkman, and J. DeJong, in that order.
    • c.     Regional Synod West of February 5-7, 1985, nominated as governors(Academic Committee) the Revs. J. Geertsema, M. van Beveren, and J. Visscher, and, as substitutes, the Revs. M. VanderWel, B.J. Berends, and C.  VanSpronsen, in that order.
    • d.    The Rev. J. Geertsema has been appointed by Synod as professor of New Testament (Acts, Article 10).
  • 2.    The Board of Governors presents the following proposals regarding the gover­nors (Finance and Property Committee):
    • a.    To accept the resignations of Mr. Arie Hordyk and Mr. Maas VanGrootheest as governors, and pursuant to Section 5 (2) of the Act and Section 3.04 of By-law Number 1 (as amended);
    • b.    to appoint Hendrik Buist, Esq. (Burlington), and Casper G. Hearings, Esq. (Dundas), as governors for a term from the date of their appointment until the third general synod held after the date of their appointment;
    • c.     to reappoint A.L. VanderHout, Esq. (Hamilton), as governor for a term from the date of his reappointment until the second general synod held after the date of his reappointment;
    • d.    to reappoint Henk Kampen, Esq. (Richmond Hill), and C.M. Loopstra, LLB. (Toronto), as governors for a term from the date of their reappointment until the next general synod held after the date of their reappointment.
  • 3.    The Board of Governors presents the following information regarding the Faculty of the Theological College:
    • a.    After five years as Lecturer of Ecclesiology, the Rev. W.W.J. VanOene re­ quested to be released from his obligations towards the College due to his retirement from the active ministry and his intended move to British Colum­bia. The Board of Governors is thankful for his faithful labour until the end of the academic year 1984/1985.
    • b.    The Rev. G. VanDooren, although retired as lecturer in Diaconiology in 1982, made himself available to continue as temporary instructor until the end of February, 1984.
    • c.     On September 7, 1984, Dr. K. Deddens could be installed as professor of Diaconiology. His mandate was extended when he, after the retirement of Rev . W.W.J. VanOene, was also appointed professor of Ecclesiology.
    • d.     Prof. L. Salles, due to his age, is to retire as professor of New Testament at the end of the academic year 1985/1986.


  • 1.    In accordance with By-law 1 (Section 3.04) of the Theological College, the General Synod shall appoint or reappoint six active ministers to the Board of Governors.
  • 2.    In accordance with By-law 1 (Section 3.04) of the Theological College, the General Synod shall appoint or reappoint five brothers, who are not ministers.
  • 3.     The Rev. J. Geertsema, although nominated by Regional Synod West, February 5 – 7, 1985, to the Board of Governors, cannot be appointed to the Board of Governors due to his appointment as Professor of New Testament at the College.
  • 4.    Regional Synod West nominated as first substitute the Rev. M. VanderWel of Abbotsford, BC.


Synod decide:

  • 1.     To appoint as Governors of the Theological College the following active ministers and their substitutes:
    • From Eastern Canada: Rev. P. Kingma, Rev. J. Mulder, Rev. Cl. Stam.
      • Substitutes: Rev. J. VanRietschoten, Rev. M. Werkman, Rev. J. De­ Jong, in that order;
    • From Western Canada: Rev. M. van Beveren,  Rev. M  VanderWel, Rev.  J. Visscher.
      • Substitutes: Rev. B.J. Berends, Rev. C VanSpronsen, Rev. J.D. Wielenga, in that order;
  • 2.     to appoint as governors of the  Theological College the following brothers  who are not  ministers,  according  to the retirement  schedule  adopted by the Board of Governors:
    • H. Buist (9 years): C.G. Heeringa (9 years); A.L   VanderHout (6 years); H. Kampen (3 years); C.M. Loopstra (3 years);
  • 3.     to express our sincere gratitude to the brothers A. Hordyk and M. VanGrootheest for their many years of faithful service as trustees/governors of the Theological College;
  • 4.     to thank the Rev. W.W.J. VanOene , M. Th , for the faithful and fruitful work done as Lecturer of Ecclesiology at the Theological College;
  • 5.     to thank the Rev. G. VanDooren. M.Th., for the work faithfully done as temporary instructor in diaconiology until the end of February, 1984.

The recommendations are ADOPTED.