GS 1980 art 129

GS 1980 ARTICLE 129 – Book of Praise (Liturgical Forms)

II. Form for the Baptism of Infants

A. Material –  Agenda VIII,

  • rB, 8, 9, 21, 22.

B. Observations

  • 1. a) The Committee has served Synod with a corrected revision of the Form for the Baptism of Infants in accordance with its mandate (Synod Coaldale, 1977, Acts, Article 60, 3, band c, 4).
    • b) The Committee has maintained the present “set-up” of the Form, but has shortened the sentences. Several text references have been put in the margin in order “to indicate that every part is solidly founded in Scripture” and “to promote the study of this (and the following) Forms.”
  • 2. The Church at Barrhead requests that the words “of our souls” (2nd paragraph, Draft Revision) be removed, “since it is not only our soul which is impure, but our body as well.”
  • 3. It appears from the Committee’s own correspondence (October 30, 1980) that the Letter from the Church at London has already been dealt with.

C. Considerations

  • 1. In the sentence “since every covenant contains two parts,” add “a promise and an obligation.”
  • 2. Barrhead’s suggestion overlooks the point of comparison: as water washes the body, so the blood and the Spirit of Christ purify our souls, “spiritually cleansed,” Heidelberg Catechism, Answer 73.
  • 3. The verb “counted” is not an exact rendering of the Dutch “gerekend”; better is the old version “accounted.
  • 4. To re-phrase “we may not therefore exclude them from baptism” (italicized word should be inserted).
  • 5. “Need not despair” should be “must not despair” (Dutch: moeten).
  • 6. “Are in duty bound” can be rendered more simply, “their parents have the duty.”
  • 7. In the prayer before baptism, the Scripture reference (Romans 6:5) should be added and the sentence should read, “buried with Him by baptism into death.”
  • 8. In the prayers, before and after baptism, the words “we beseech” could be rendered more simply: “we pray” (Dutch: wij bidden U).
  • 9. The words “a constant death” should be changed as follows “no more than a constant death.”
  • 10. Consistency should be maintained with respect to “summarized in the Creeds.”
  • 11. The prayer after baptism (first and second line) should read “we thank and praise Thee that Thou.”

D. Recommendation

  • Synod decide to adopt the corrected Revision Form for the Baptism of Infants, as emended by Synod.
  • The following motion, duly seconded, is discussed:
    • “To delete the division ‘First,’ ‘Second’ and ‘Third’ in the questions to the parents, and to replace ‘promises’ with ‘seals’ (‘God the Son seals unto us .. .’).”