GS 1977 art 48

GS 1977 ARTICLE 48 – Theological College – Board of Governors

Committee II presents:

Material – Agenda 8, A, 8 

– Tri-annual report of the Board of Governors over the years 1974, 1975, 1976. (See Appendix II, p. 72.)


1. Concerning Board of Trustees

The Board of Governors expresses its great appreciation for the way in which the Board of Trustees has done all its work for the well-being of the College since Gen­eral Synod 1974.

2. Governors Activities General

The cooperation within the Board of Governors as well as with the Board of Trustees and the Senate was such that the task could be fulfilled in good Christian harmony.

3. The teaching at the College

The visiting of the lectures

The lectures were regularly attended by the governors. The report makes the re­ mark that the governors from the West very seldom have the opportunity to at­ tend the lectures.

The teaching

The Faculty could work without interruption. The professors and lecturers are capable men who do their work with great dedication, in total submission to the Word of our God and in faithful adherence to the Reformed Confessions.

4. Number of students

It is a matter of concern for the Board that the number of students is so small. They once again want to draw the attention of the Churches to this need.

5. Course of study and degrees Course of study

The course of the studies has now been extended to four years.


The Faculty is considering whether the Master of Divinity degree should be con­ferred instead of the Bachelor of Divinity degree.

Recognition of degrees

The Board decided for the time being not to pursue the matter of obtaining official recognition of degrees by the Provincial Government.

6. Lack of sufficient supply of Reformed textbooks in English

The Board requested the Faculty periodically to issue a written digest of the lec­tures.

7. Special Courses

Special courses were given for teachers and other interested Church members. The organization of courses other than the above for persons not enrolled in our College who wish to broaden their knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and of the Re­ formed doctrine is considered.

8. Workers at the College beside the Faculty

The Associate Librarian

The Rev. A.B. Roukema was appointed Associate Librarian. Rev. Roukema works at cataloguing the library books.

The Administrative Assistant

Miss Ann van Sydenborgh fulfills the duties of her many-sided position to the full satisfaction of all concerned.

Mrs. J. Faber

Mrs. J. Faber terminated her activities for the library after the Rev. Roukema and Miss van Sydenborgh had begun their work. The work which Mrs. Faber has done for the College is gratefully acknowledged.

9. Conclusion

The Board expresses its great gratitude to the Lord “for His wonderful protection and mercies of which we received such a large share in our College.”


Synod decide

  • 1. Gratefully to acknowledge the work done by the Board of Governors.
  • 2. To express as its opinion that the cost-factor should not prevent governors from the West to visit the lectures.
  • 3. Gratefully to acknowledge the work done by the Faculty.
  • 4. To express as its concern that the number of students is so small and to urge the Churches to give continued attention to this need.
  • 5. To give into the consideration of the Board of Governors to seek for ways and to encourage the Faculty in cooperation with the Board of Trustees, to make our Col­lege better known also by the publication of solid Reformed material in order that also in this way more students may be attracted.
  • 6. To express agreement with the request of the Governors to the Faculty periodically to issue a written digest of the lectures.
  • 7. Gratefully to acknowledge the work which the Faculty did for the teachers courses.
  • 8. Gratefully to acknowledge the work of the Associate Librarian, the Rev. A.B. Roukema.
  • 9. Gratefully to acknowledge the work of the Administrative Assistant, Miss Ann van Sydenborgh.    
  • 10. To concur with the words of the Board of Governors that the work which Mrs. J. Faber has done, is gratefully acknowledged.
  • 11. To add the report of the Board of Governors to the Acts as an Appendix.
  • 12. To concur with the Board’s expression of its great gratitude to the Lord for His blessings on the College.