GS 1977 art 107

GS 1977 ARTICLE 107 – Correspondence with Churches Abroad

Committee I presents


  • Agenda 8, B, 1- Report Committee on Correspondence with Chur­ches Abroad. ( See Appendix V, p. 80.)


  • 1.   The mandate of Synod Toronto 1974 was to maintain correspondence in accord­ance with the Rules for Correspondence and to do so with:
    • a.  De Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland;
    • b. Die Vrye Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika;
    • c. The Free Reformed Churches of Australia.
  • 2. De Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland.
    • a. The report of the Committee shows that the correspondence with these Chur­ches has been quite vigorous.
    • b. Dr. J. Faber was appointed a delegate to represent the Canadian Reformed Churches at the General Synod Kampen 1975.
    • c. Our Committee has been notified by the Netherlands sister Churches that these Churches have established ecclesiastical correspondence with the “Gerefor­ meerde Kerken van Oost Soemba/Savoe,” c/o Rev. L. Kondamara.
    • d. An invitation to attend the forthcoming General Synod at Groningen-Zuid in 1978 has been received.
    • e. A letter signed by 16 persons in The Netherlands was received by our Commit­ tee. The authors of this letter make the observation that all the Gereformeerde Kerken in The Netherlands have become false churches. A request is made to terminate correspondence with the Netherlands sister Churches and that instead the 16 persons referred to be considered as “the rest of the covenant people which the LORD has still left in The Netherlands.” The authors of this letter do not submit any grounds for their accusations against our sister Chur­ches. The Committee concludes “that it is not their task to formulate accusa­tions against our sister Churches while those that complain neglect to state their case. The Committee recommends to Synod not to grant this request.
    • f. Synod Kampen 1975 decided to continue correspondence with the Canadian Re­ formed Churches in accordance with the adopted rules.
    • g. Our Committee perused the Acts of Synod Kampen 1975 and concluded from the Acts and the correspondence that De Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland de­ sire to be faithful to God’s Word and that they abide by the Reformed creeds and Church Order. The Committee recommends to continue the correspondence with these Churches.
  • 3. Die Vrye Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika.
    • a. An appeal has been sent to Die Vrye Gereformeerde Kerk at Pretoria (praeses Dr. C. van der Waal) according to the mandate given to the Committee by Synod Toronto 1974.
    • b. Die Vrye Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika were by letter informed about what is mentioned under a.
    • c. Our Committee informed these Churches that we in our rules for correspond­ence do not have the stipulation of a consideration beforehand of changes or ad­ditions of Confessions, Church Order and Liturgical Forms, as adopted by Synod Pretoria 1976. The Committee requested the deputies of the Vrye Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika to incorporate our rule number 3 into their rules for cor­respondence with the Canadian Reformed Churches.
    • d. Synod Pretoria 1976 decided to receive the Church at Johannesburg again into the confederation of Die Vrye Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika. Our Com­mittee expressed their thankfulness that it appears from the Acts of Synod Pre­toria 1976 that many of the difficulties within the South African sister Churches were solved.
    • e. Synod 1976 decided to initiate contact with the Presbyterian Church in Korea for the purpose of establishing ecclesiastical correspondence.
    • f. The Committee on Correspondence with the Churches Abroad conclude from the correspondence and the Acts that Die Vrye Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid­ Afrika have clearly shown that they desire to be faithful to God’s Word and to abide by the Reformed creeds and Church Order and recommend to continue the correspondence with these Churches in accordance with the adopted rules.
  • 4. The Free Reformed Churches of Australia
    • a. The Free Reformed Churches of Australia have now full correspondence with the Presbyterian Church in Korea.
    • b. Synod Albany 1975 confirmed the decision of Synod 1972 that Die Vrye Gerefor­ meerde Kerk at Pretoria (praeses Dr. C. van der Waal) cannot be recognized as corresponding sister Church.
    • c. Regarding English Bible translations, the New International Version and the KJV II were rejected: deputies were appointed to study the New American Standard Bible and the Revised Standard Version.
    • d. The report of the Committee on Correspondence with Churches Abroad does not mention whether an answer was received from the Australian Committee “to clarify the rules for admission to the ministry of candidates who did not study at the College of our Churches or of our sister Churches, which rules seemed incon­sistent to our Committee” (Acts, Synod Toronto 1974, Article 140 A-7). The Acts of Synod Albany read, “The proposal for the rules re: eligibility and examina­tion of candidates is adopted.” However, what those rules are is not known to our Committee.
    • e. The Committee on Correspondence with Churches Abroad conclude from the correspondence and the Acts of Synod Albany 1975 that the Free Reformed Churches of Australia in doctrine and Church activities do maintain the stand­ards of faith and therefore recommend to continue the correspondence with these Churches.


  • 1.   The correspondence with our sister Churches is conducted in a very vigorous manner.
  • 2. The Committee has fulfilled the mandate given to them by Synod Toronto 1974.
  • 3. No proof is given for the accusations by the 16 dissenters in The Netherlands.


  • 1.   To continue with gratitude the correspondence according to the adopted rules for correspondence with the following sister Churches:
    • a. De Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland;
    • b. Die Vrye Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika;
    • c. The Free Reformed Churches of Australia.
  • 2. To have our Churches represented by a delegate to General Synods of sister Chur­ ches abroad, if invited, and when desirable and feasible.
  • 3. Not to grant the request of the 16 dissenters in The Netherlands, who approached the Committee.