ARTICLE 46: Church Visitors

Each year classis shall authorize at least two of the more experienced and able ministers to visit the churches in that year.

It shall be the task of these visitors to inquire whether all things are regulated and done in full harmony with the Word of God, whether the office-bearers fulfil the duties of their office faithfully as they have promised, and whether the adopted order is being observed and maintained in every respect, in order that they may in good time fraternally admonish those who are found negligent in any thing, and that by their good counsel and advice all things may be directed towards the edification and preservation of Christ’s church.

They shall submit a written report of their visits to classis.

Texts of Implementation
Texts of Application
Texts of Commentary
Frequency of Church Visitation

GS 2013 – Article 149

3. Considerations:

3.3.      Some letters deal with major items and require input and direction from Synod, including the following:

Article 26 – Church Visitors

The practice of making church visitations on an annual basis (instead of every two years, as in the PJCO 2012), should be upheld. When things are going well, the visits appear routine. However, it is beneficial to be held accountable on an annual basis, to be encouraged and challenged and to receive guidance for complex local situations.