ARTICLE 19: Training for the Ministry

The churches shall maintain an institution for the training for the ministry. The task of the professors of theology is to instruct the students of theology in those disciplines which have been entrusted to them, so that the churches may be provided with ministers of the Word who are able to fulfil the duties of their office as these have been described above.

Texts of Implementation
Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary (CRTS)

GS 2016 – Article 76

3. Considerations

3.6    Dunnville’s proposed alterations to the wording for the ‘Basis’ of the SIP have merit on the grounds that:

  1. its terminology is consistent with that used by the churches in the forms for baptism and public profession of faith;
  2. it is more consistent with the terminology in the Act – CRTC 1981.

3.7    Toronto-Bethel makes some pertinent points about the status of the SIP and the issue of Tenure which are best considered by the Board.

4. Recommendations

4.6    With regard to the bylaws and the Statement of Institutional Purpose (SIP):

4.6.1     To approve the changes to the bylaws as described in the Board report (Appendix 3);

4.6.2     To instruct the Board to consider the input of the Fergus-Maranatha and Toronto-Bethel CanRC with respect to the bylaws and to make recommendations to the next Synod;

4.6.3     To approve the revised wording of the SIP and incorporate the change proposed by the Dunnville CanRC;

4.6.4     To instruct the Board to consider the input of the Toronto-Bethel CanRC regarding the status of the SIP and to make a recommendation to the next synod.

ADOPTED with members of the Board of Governors abstaining.

GS 2013 – Article 80

3. Considerations:

3.9.      The Board in its recommendation concerning amendments to Operating Bylaw 12, notes that all adjunct professors are to be carefully screened, chosen and monitored by the professors who incorporated them into the curriculum.

4. Recommendations

4.9.      To approve the amendments to Bylaw 12 as described in the Board’s Report.

ADOPTED with members of the Board of Governors abstaining

GS 2010 – Article 153

3. Considerations

3..1         The Board of Governors proposes that Synod adopt the name “Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary” as the operational name of the College, while retaining “The Theological College of the Canadian Reformed Churches” as the legal name. This answers the objection of Winnipeg-Grace.

3.2       The name “Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary” is a fitting and appropriate name. The words “Canadian Reformed” identify it with the churches, the word “Theological” describes its area of study, and the word “Seminary” underlines the fact that it is an institution in which men are trained for the ministry of the gospel.

4. Recommendation

That Synod decide to adopt the name “Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary” as the operational name for the College.


Federational Seminary

GS 2016 – Article 79

4. Recommendations

That Synod decide:

4.2    To mandate the CCU-STE to re-examine and discuss with our brothers in the URCNA the possibilities of operating at least one theological seminary by and for the churches, to ensure that such a seminary is accountable to and properly governed by the churches. Further, that the committee promote adequate funding for such an institution(s) by means of assessment per communicant member.


GS 2010 – Article 71

3. Considerations

3.1      Ten of the 13 churches that wrote to synod about the report of the Joint Committee stated one or more of the following: A federationally governed seminary or a seminary that is run by and for the churches:

3.1.1    Is a requirement for the merged churches and not a strong preference.

3.1.2    Is the best out-working of 1 Tim 3:15 and the best application of the instructions given in 2 Tim 2:2, and therefore is the best method to train men for the ministry of the Word.

3.1.3    Upholds the principle that governance of the seminary ought to be done by the churches.

3.1.4    Applies the principle that training of pastors and teachers belongs to the tasks of the church as the pillar and foundation of the truth and that it is not properly the responsibility of an organization independent of the churches.

3.2       Many faithful men have been trained for the office of minister of the Word at the Theological College in Hamilton during its existence of more than 40 years and it has resulted in a genuine spirit of unity, peace and harmony among the churches.

3.3       The regional synod model does not ensure that training for the ministry is properly accountable to all the churches.

3.4       A federative model with an assessment per communicant member ensures a stable funding for an institution for the training of men for the ministry of the Word.

4. Recommendation

That Synod decide:

4.2       Not to accept the regional synod model of theological education as proposed by the joint committee.


Texts of Application
Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary (CRTS)

GS 2016 – Article 76

  1. Recommendations

That Synod decide:

4.1    To receive with gratitude the report of the Board of Governors [hereafter “the Board”] and Appendix 1 – Annual Reports of the Finance and Property Committee for 2013, 2014, 2015; Appendix 2 – Audited Financial Statements for CRTS for the fiscal years ended December 31st for each of 2012, 2013 & 2014; Appendix 3 – Operating Bylaw 12 with amendments;

4.2    To acknowledge the expiration of the terms of office of the Rev. Dr. A.J. Pol, the Rev. E. Kampen, br. A. Bax, and br. H. Kampen and to express gratitude for their work;

4.3    Pursuant to Section 5(2) of the Act and Section 3.04 of Bylaw 12: To appoint, elect or reappoint six active ministers to hold office until the next general synod and to appoint at least three substitutes from each regional synod area, keeping in mind that the Bylaws prohibit anyone from serving more than three consecutive terms with the actual appointments to be made under point 9 of the present synod’s agenda, to be prepared by the officers of synod;

4.4    To request the churches to continue to remember in their prayers Mrs. K. Deddens, Dr. and Mrs. J. DeJong, Mrs. J. Faber, Dr. and Mrs. N.H. Gootjes, Prof. J. Geertsema and Dr. and Mrs. C. Van Dam;

4.5    To appoint Dr. J. Van Vliet as principal for one three-year term starting in September 2017;

4.6   (See Texts of Implementation)

4.7    To approve all other decisions and actions of the Board (and of its committees) for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 until the date of its report;

4.8    To express gratitude for the support from the Free Reformed Churches of Australia (FRCA);

4.9    To accept the audited financial statements and the report of the auditor for the fiscal periods ending December 31 for each of 2012, 2013, 2014; to relieve the Treasurer of the Board of all responsibilities for these fiscal periods; to approve the reappointment by the Board of Governors of Mr. H. Salomons as auditor for the fiscal period ending December 31, 2015 and such other and further auditor(s) as the Board may appoint for the fiscal years following December 31, 2015, in the discretion of the Board on a year by year basis until the next general synod;

4.9.1     To pass along the letter of the Lincoln-Vineyard CanRC to the Board to consider;

4.10  To acknowledge with gratitude the enormous contributions of the Women’s Saving Action to the well-being of CRTS;

4.11  To give leave to the Board to grant tenure to Dr. J. Van Vliet and Dr. J. Smith;

4.12  To encourage the Board to remember the specific needs of theological education within the Free Reformed Churches of South Africa (FRCSA) (cf. GS 2016 Art. 47 Rec. 4.3).

ADOPTED with members of the Board of Governors abstaining.

GS 2013 – Article 80

4. Recommendations:

That Synod decide:

4.1.      To receive with gratitude the report of the Board of Governors and its appendices (Appendix 1 and 2 – Reports 1 and 2 of Review and Accreditation Committee to Board dated Dec 6, 2010 and March 3, 2011 respectively, Appendix 3 – ATS Standards, Appendix 4 – Self Study Report as submitted November 1, 2012 (without attachments), Appendix 5 – Appointment Policy for New Professors, Appendix 6 – 2010, 2011 & 2012 Annual reports of the Finance and Property Committee, Appendix 7 – Audited Financial Statements for CRTS for the fiscal years ended December 31 for each of 2009, 2010 & 2011, Appendix 8 – Operating Bylaw with amendments).

4.2.      To acknowledge the many years of faithful service of Dr. C. Van Dam and to express gratitude for his service.

4.3.      To acknowledge the expiration of the terms of office of Mr. L. Jagt, Rev. W.B. Slomp, Rev. J. VanWoudenberg and Mr. K. J. Veldkamp and to express gratitude for their work.

4.4.      Pursuant of Section 5(2) of the Act and Section 3.04 of Bylaw 12: To appoint, elect or re-appoint six active ministers to hold office until the next general synod and to appoint at least three substitutes from each Regional Synod area, keeping in mind that the bylaws prohibit anyone serving more than three consecutive terms, with the actual appointments to be made under Point 9 of the Agenda, to be prepared by the officers of Synod.

4.5.      To express gratitude for the assistance of Rev. DeGelder, Dr. N.H. Kloosterman and Rev. J. Ludwig and the churches at Flamborough and Ancaster for their good cooperation in allowing their ministers to give this assistance.

4.6.      To request the churches to continue to remember in their prayers the needs of Mrs. K. Deddens, Dr. and Mrs. J. DeJong, Mrs. J. Faber, Dr. and Mrs. N.H. Gootjes and Prof. J. Geertsema.

4.7.      To reappoint Dr. G.H. Visscher as Principal for the years 2014-17.

4.8.      To confirm that the Board has fully met its mandates as given it by Synod Smithers 2007 and Synod Burlington 2010.

4.9.      See “Texts of Implementation” above

4.10.    To approve all other decisions and actions of the Board (and of its committees) for the years 2010, 2011, 2012 until the date of its report.

4.11.    To express gratitude for the support from the Free Reformed Churches in Australia.

4.12.    To accept the audited financial statements and the report of the Auditor for the fiscal periods ending December 31 for each of 2009, 2010, 2011, to relieve the Treasurer of the Board of all the responsibilities for these fiscal periods, to approve the reappointment by the Board of Governors of H. Salomons as Auditor for the fiscal period ending December 31, 2012 and such other and further auditor(s) as the Board of Governors may appoint for the fiscal years following December 31, 2012, in the discretion of the Board of Governors on a year by year basis until the next general synod.

4.13.    To acknowledge with gratitude the enormous contributions of the Women’s Saving Action to the well-being of the Seminary.

4.14.    To express gratitude to Dr. A. J. de Visser for his faithful service as Professor of Ecclesiology from 2004-2013.

4.15.    To answer Fergus-North’s concern with Consideration 3.9.

ADOPTED with members of the Board of Governors abstaining

Pastoral Training Program Funding
Texts of Commentary
Federational Seminary

GS 2010 – Article 83

3. Considerations

3.2       … However, Grassie does not prove that a “federational” seminary is the only possible expression of the principle contained in 2 Timothy 2:2. In a discussion about future possibilities it cannot be denied that there is more than one legitimate way for those “ordained by the church” to “work to supply the church with future preachers.”

GS 2010 – Article 92

3. Considerations

3.3       Surrey cites Lord’s Day 38 but does not prove how it necessitates the conclusion of a federational seminary. A school owned and operated by the churches to train men for the ministry is certainly one of the best ways to “maintain the ministry of the gospel and the schools” in light of the fourth commandment, but it cannot be said to be the only way. During the period of discussion with the URCNA in 2007, Synod Smithers was correct to keep all legitimate options on the table.

GS 2007 – Article 103

3. Considerations

3.4   The principle of 2 Timothy 2.2, which points in the direction of the churches being responsible for the training for the ministry, does not necessitate the conclusion of a ‘federational’ seminary. Article 19 of the Church Order of the CanRC also does not necessitate a federational seminary as “an institution for the training for the ministry” is not the same as federational seminary. Already it is possible under Article 19 for the churches to maintain an institution apart from that institution having to belong to the federation. Therefore, it would be best, for clarity’s sake, to realize that ‘federational’ seminary is terminology that has arisen (in the Statements of Agreement and in the mandate of Synod Chatham) out of current practice and is not itself the Reformed theological education principle. The principle remains: the churches are responsible for the training for the ministry.

GS 2004 – Article 75

4. Considerations

4.4.   Synod agrees with the church at Grand Rapids that the paper entitled: “Why Do the Canadian Reformed Churches Have Their Own Seminary?” is a valuable document in explaining the importance of having a federational theological college. This document reflects what the churches have agreed upon in Article 19 of the Church Order.

Board of Governors

GS Article 2004 – Article 53

4. Considerations

4.6   Synod notes that the Board of Governors already has the authority to assess the churches in the matter of the training of the students. Synod considers the Pastoral Training Program to be a desirable part of the training for the ministry and the funds required for this program should, therefore, be included in the regular operating budget.

4.7   Synod considers that the Board of Governors has the authority to appoint a subcommittee to take care of this program and its funding.

GS 2001 – Article 27

4. Considerations

4.7   General Synod requests the Board of Governors to be as detailed and specific in their reports as possible and practical (see letter of the Church at Burlington-Ebenezer).