Council Handbook: Administration


1. Maintaining the Property

In order to maintain its property, the church has delegated this task to a committee, or committees, often referred to as the Committee of Administration (CoA) or Finance and Property Committee (FPC) Part of maintaining the ministry of the gospel includes taking care of a building and the grounds. It is important that the church has Regulations or Mandates that govern the work of these committees. These regulations or mandates should spell out the mandate of the committees and involved, the place of the council, and the way the reporting is done. In this chapter we will review these regulations or mandates.

The copy of the Mandate for this church can be found in the section Mandates and Regulations.

2. Evaluation

  1. Is the mandate sufficient? Do we need to change, add or delete?
  2. Are we satisfied with the work of the committee/ subcommittees?
  3. Are the committee/subcommittees satisfied with the way the council works with their reports and recommendations?
  4. Are there areas where improvement is necessary? Why? How?

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