GS 2022 Article 6 – Late Submissions
The executive presented recommendations regarding late submissions. The following was decided:
- 1. The London-Pilgrim CanRC dd. April 10, 2022 re CanRC re CRTS supplement report.
- Inadmissible: no reason was given for it being submitted past the deadline for submissions.
- 2. Various letters of greeting from sister churches and contact churches.
- Admissible: these qualify as addresses to General Synod.
- 3. The Burlington-Ebenezer CanRC dd. April 30, 2022 re appointment of new archivist.
- Received for information. It is for the Burlington-Ebenezer CanRC to decide as to who does the actual work it is mandated, not General Synod.
- 4. The Carman East CanRC report re General Fund.
- Admissible as it was mandated by GS 2019.