GS 2022 Article 158 – CBT (Committee on Bible Translations)
1. Material
- 1.1 Report of the Committee on Bible Translations (CBT) (
2. Admissibility
- 2.1 The report was declared admissible.
3. Decisions
Synod decided:
- 3.1 To thank the committee for its work;
- 3.2 To acknowledge that the Committee on Bible Translations (CBT) fulfilled the mandate given to it by GS 2019;
- 3.3 To thank Rev. Rodney Vermeulen who has completed nine years on the committee and to release him from the CBT;
- 3.4 To appoint two members to the CBT;
- 3.5 To mandate the CBT:
- 3.5.1 To solicit, receive and evaluate comments from the churches on the ESV;
- 3.5.2 To submit worthy translation suggestions to the ESV editorial committee;
- 3.5.3 To serve the churches as a resource for Bible translation matters;
- 3.5.4 To appoint one of its members to validate and submit to the treasurer of the General Fund all expenses being submitted for committee work;
- 3.5.5 To prepare and distribute a report to the churches six months in advance of the next general synod.