GS 2022 Article 127 – GGRI-Timor (Reformed Churches in Indonesia – Timor)

1.   Material

  • 1.1    CRCA Report 4: Indonesia (GGRI, GGRCI, GGRI-Timor) (

2.   Admissibility

  • 2.1    The report was declared admissible.

3.   Decisions

Synod decided:

  • 3.1    To instruct the Committee on Ecumenical Relations (CER):
    • 3.1.1   In conjunction with the Smithville Canadian Reformed Church to provide assistance within the normal ambit of CER work that would be of benefit to the Reformed Churches in Indonesia Timor (GGRI-Timor);
    • 3.1.2   As opportunity arises, to be available for discussions with a view to promoting ecclesiastical harmony and unity between faithful reformed churches in Indonesia;
    • 3.1.3   To submit its report to the churches six months prior to the convening of the next general synod.

4.   Grounds

  • 4.1    It is important to continue to show willingness to assist the GGRI-Timor. Moreover, opportunities for further interaction may arise in the future.
  • 4.2    Given the sensitivities apparent at the assembly of GS-GGRCI 2019 in regard to their history with the mission work of Smithville, the CER would do well to continue to encourage all parties to engage in peaceful, open communication with a view to moving toward the goal of brotherly unity and cooperation according to the Word of God. Furthering the cause of unity between the GGRI, GGRI-Timor, and the GGRCI will only be fruitful if all parties agree to pursue that goal.