GS 2022 Article 126 – GGRCI (Calvinist Reformed Churches in Indonesia)

1.   Material

  • 1.1    CRCA Report 4: Indonesia (GGRI, GGRCI, GGRI-Timor) (

2.   Admissibility

  • 2.1    The report was declared admissible.

3.   Decisions

Synod decided:

  • 3.1    To continue ecclesiastical fellowship (EF) with the Calvinist Reformed Churches in Indonesia (GGRCI);
  • 3.2    To mandate the Committee on Ecumenical Relations (CER):
    • 3.2.1   To try to send a delegation of brothers to Indonesia to represent the CanRC at the next national synod of the GGRCI;
    • 3.2.2   To work in consultation and cooperation with the Free Reformed Churches of Australia (FRCA) and United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA) in encouraging and supporting the churches of the GGRCI in their efforts to grow in Reformed doctrine and polity;
    • 3.2.3   To work in consultation and cooperation with the Smithville CanRC given their mission work in Timor;
    • 3.2.4   As opportunity arises, to be available for discussions with a view to promoting ecclesiastical harmony and unity between faithful Reformed churches in Indonesia;
    • 3.2.5   To submit its report to the churches six months prior to the convening of the next general synod.

4.   Grounds

  • 4.1    As far as can be determined, the GGRCI demonstrate that they remain faithful churches. They abide by the Word of God as the only rule for faith and life and adhere to adopted confessions and church order.
  • 4.2    Given that the FRCA is closer to Indonesia than the CanRC, it is prudent that the CER work in close conjunction with the FRCA. It would therefore be helpful if the respective committees continue to share information on their observations and activities in Indonesia.
  • 4.3    Working together, the FRCA and the CanRC will be in a good position to continue to support the GGRCI and to encourage church unity among the various groups of reformed churches in Indonesia.