GS 2019 Article 97 – Motion to change already adopted acts of GS 2019

The following was moved by the Rev. Holtvlüwer and seconded by the Rev. Janssen:

  • A. To insert into Article 66 an additional recommendation as follows (numbered 4.3.4. with the understanding that the old 4.3.4 becomes 4.3.5):
    • 4.3.4 To appoint one of its members to validate and submit to the treasurer of the General Fund all expenses being submitted for committee work.
  • B. To insert into Article 46 an additional recommendation as follows (numbered 4.3 with the understanding that the old 4.3 becomes 4.4):
    • 4.3 To appoint one of its members to validate and submit to the treasurer of the General Fund all expenses being submitted for committee work.
    • Ground: GS 2019 when dealing with the decision on the General Fund (Art. 45) decided this should be done.

The motion was