GS 2019 Article 156 – Close of GS 2019

The chairman then proceeded to speak some closing remarks. He first of all gave thanks to God, noting how dependent we are upon the Lord. He expressed deep gratitude on behalf of the members of Synod for the services of the Edmonton-Immanuel congregation. He presented the host church with a large plaque bearing the text “Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. Psalm 119:18” and the wild rose as an indication of the Synod taking place in Alberta. He explained how Psalm 119:18 reminds us of the need for the Holy Spirit to guide us in God’s Word. He reflected briefly on some of the agenda items, noting matters of sadness and joy. Some words of gratitude were spoken to the brothers at Synod for their cooperation. There was good trust among all, also when opinions differed. Synod 2019 was a deliberative assembly, as it ought to be. He expressed gratitude for how the Lord had blessed Synod in this way.

On behalf the Council of Edmonton-Immanuel Elder Rob Duker presented the Rev. Agema with a gently used gavel as a token of appreciation for his work as chairman. Gratitude was also expressed for the guidance of the Rev. VanSpronsen, minister of Edmonton-Immanuel and member of Synod.

The Rev. Agema read Ephesians 1:15-23 & 3:20-21, led in prayer, and asked those present to sing Psalm 150.

Since the agenda had become the acta,

with a gentle but firm strike of the gavel

the chairman declared GS 2019
