GS 2016 Article 7 – Late Submissions

Regarding late submissions the executive recommended the following:

  • 1.    Letters from the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands (temporary federation) (GKNvv) be declared admissible as the GKNvv would not have been aware of the deadline date.
  • 2.    A letter from the Langley CanRC on the CWeb report be declared inadmissible as it is late without a reason provided.
  • 3.    A letter from the Subcommittee for Reformed churches in The Netherlands of the Committee for Relations with Churches Abroad (CRCA-SRN) be declared admissible as it seeks to correct information in an item already on the agenda of Synod.
  • 4.    A letter from the Abbotsford CanRC be declared admissible as it acknowledges the correction of information in an item already on the agenda of Synod.
  • 5.    A submission with appendix by the Hamilton-Providence CanRC with appendix be declared inadmissible as it is late without a reason provided.
  • 6.    A letter from the Rev. A. Souman regarding his reappointment to synod committees be declared admissible as it is legitimately late.
  • 7.    A letter from D.J. Bolt, reporter for the website Eén in Waarheid, requesting access to synod proceedings be admitted and be responded to in that he has access to synod proceedings as any member of the public might have.
  • 8.    A letter from the Committee for Contact with Churches in North America (CCCNA) regarding the appointment of a new member be declared admissible as it is legitimately late.