GS 2016 Article 127 – SCBP (Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise)

1. Material

  • 1.1    Report of the Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise (SCBP) (8.2.9)
  • 1.2    Supplementary Report of the SCBP (
  • 1.3    Letters from the following CanRC: Abbotsford (, Toronto-Bethel (, Tintern-Spring Creek (, Lynden-Vineyard (, Winnipeg-Redeemer (

2. Admissibility

  • 2.1    Synod judges that the Supplementary Report of the SCBP is inadmissible. Committees appointed by General Synod need to report six months prior to Synod and this report was received by the churches in early March, 2016. No valid reason was given for the lateness of this report. Sagacity suggests that the letters from Tintern-Spring Creek, Lynden and Winnipeg-Redeemer dealing with the Supplementary Report are therefore superfluous.

3. Observations

  • 3.1    The SCBP completed the mandate given it by GS 2013. The Committee has implemented the instructions GS 2013 with regard to the psalms, hymns, and prose sections, and published the 2014 Book of Praise. As churches we may express thankfulness to the Lord that after thirty years we may receive a revised version of the Book of Praise.
  • 3.2    The SCBP requested the privilege of the floor at GS 2016 in order to formally present the 2014 Book of Praise. Abbotsford wondered what the purpose of such a presentation would be, especially since other committees are not given the same opportunity. In view of the scale of the contribution made by the SCBP, Synod granted this request (see GS 2016 Art. 98).
  • 3.3    The SCBP reports that it has published four different editions of the Book of Praise. These include faux-leather cover, hard cover, coil-bound, and digital editions. The church at Abbotsford wonders if a pocket-sized version of the Book of Praise could also be printed.
  • 3.4    The SCBP reports that it operates under a contractual relationship with Premier Printing Ltd (Manitoba). This contract expires on February 28, 2017. The committee seeks approval from Synod to negotiate the continuation of this contract for an additional five years.
  • 3.5    The SCBP reports that it has printed 29,393 copies of the Book of Praise in 2014 and 2015. As of September 2015, 20,766 printed copies have been sold, along with 3,054 digital editions.
  • 3.6    The SCBP notes with gratitude many expressions of interest in our Book of Praise. It has responded to various requests for information and dealt with a number of requests to copy, in whole or in part, the Psalms and Hymns as well as other parts of the Book of Praise. It has overhauled its website ( to function as a better tool for promotion and awareness. The website now includes a Resource section which contains links to recommended harmonisations for all of the psalms and hymns (composed by br. Dennis Teitsma). These harmonisations are offered in digital form free of charge.
  • 3.7    The SCBP extended aid to the deputies of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia (FRCA) by answering practical questions pertaining to the potential publication of their own Book of Praise. They request Synod to mandate them to maintain contact with our Australian sister-churches to assist them in this matter.
  • 3.8    The SCBP reports that it has maintained its corporate status and has filed annual income tax forms with Revenue Canada. It requests Synod to mandate it to maintain its corporate status in order to protect the interests of the CanRC in matters concerning the Book of Praise.
  • 3.9    The SCBP notes that br. C.J. Nobels was promoted to glory on April 18, 2015. This brother has been a member of the committee for many years and was instrumental in the process of producing the current edition of the Book of Praise.
  • 3.10  The SCBP notes that the Rev. G.Ph. van Popta has completed his term on this committee.
  • 3.11  The SCBP recommends that Synod appoint br. M. Jongsma for three 3-year terms and the Rev. D. Wynia as convener in the place of the Rev. G. Ph. VanPopta.
  • 3.12  The SCBP reported on two corrections made as a result of proofreading.
    • 3.12.1   In the table of cross-references to the Three Forms of Unity, some cross-references relating to LD 35 were added/modified.
    • 3.12.2   In HC LD 40 Q&A105, the Matthew 26:52 footnote was moved from footnote 3 to footnote 4.
  • 3.13 The SCBP reports that a number of experts provided advice in specific areas. It acknowledges with appreciation the contributions of the following: Dr. W. Helder, Mr. F. Ezinga, Mr. M. Jongsma, Dr. K. Dieleman, Dr. B. Faber, Dr. J. VanVliet, Dr. G.H. Visscher and the Rev. C. Bosch.
  • 3.14 Abbotsford requests clarity on the copyright of the 2014 Book of Praise. It asks the following questions:
    • a.    What is strictly copyrighted? Is it the entire book or some portions of it?
    • b.    Are churches permitted to reproduce the prose section?
    • c.    Can churches put a copy of the Book of Praise on their website?
  • 3.15 Toronto-Bethel requests Synod to mandate the SCBP to monitor the development of the joint song book being developed by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA) and when possible, provide the churches with a sense of this new song book’s composition, quality, and theological accuracy.

4. Considerations

  • 4.1    Synod approves of the changes made by the SCBP to the psalm, hymn and prose sections of the Book of Praise subsequent to GS 2013.
  • 4.2    There has been a good relationship between our churches and Premier Printing for many years. There is no reason not to renew the contract with this company.
  • 4.3    The committee is to be commended for updating their website.
  • 4.4    The rationale for the corrections made as a result of proofreading was convincing.
  • 4.5    Abbotsford is directed to the SCBP to obtain answers to their questions re: copyright and whether or not a pocket-sized version is feasible.
  • 4.6    Toronto-Bethel’s suggestion is a good one, since use of a joint OPC-URCNA songbook is a significant development that could have implications for our unity talks with the URCNA.
  • 4.7    Synod’s desire is to make the Book of Praise available in an unrestricted way. However, Synod also recognizes that copyright laws restrict us in this regard.

5. Recommendations

That Synod decide:

  • 5.1    To thank the Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise (SCBP) for the tremendous amount of work in preparing the 2014 Book of Praise for publication.
  • 5.2    To thank sr. Caroline Nobels for the work that her late husband br. C. Nobels performed as a member of the Committee.
  • 5.3    To thank the Rev. G.Ph. van Popta for his work as a member of the Committee.
  • 5.4    To thank br. D. Teitsma for his work in making harmonisations of the psalms and hymns available.
  • 5.5    To authorize the Committee to negotiate the continuation of a contract with Premier Printing Ltd for an additional five years, with an expiry date of February 28, 2022, and, within the bounds of copyright laws, make as much of the Book of Praise as possible available on the CanRC website.
  • 5.6    To give the SCBP the following mandate:
    • 5.6.1     To foster an increased awareness of the Book of Praise among others in the English-speaking world;
    • 5.6.2     To maintain contact with our Australian sister-churches to assist them in the possible publication of their own Book of Praise;
    • 5.6.3     To maintain its corporate status in order to protect the interest of the Canadian Reformed Churches in matters concerning the Book of Praise;
    • 5.6.4     To communicate with the churches regarding copyright issues concerning the Book of Praise;
    • 5.6.5     To maintain its archives and website;
    • 5.6.6     To monitor the development of a joint OPC-URCNA songbook and when possible to provide the churches with a sense of this new song book’s composition, quality, and theological accuracy;
    • 5.6.7     To receive, scrutinize and evaluate the contents of correspondence from the churches and to report to the next General Synod as to the validity of the suggestions made (as per GS 2016 Art. 122);
    • 5.6.8     To seek, receive, evaluate and recommend proposals for changes to the hymn section to be compiled for possible submission to a future Synod (as per GS 2016 Art. 122).