GS 2016 Article 121 – ICRC (International Conference of Reformed Churches)
1. Material
1.1 Report from Committee for Relations with Churches Abroad (CRCA) – section on the International Conference of Reformed Churches (ICRC) (8.2.1)
1.2 Letter from the following CanRC: Abbotsford (
2. Observations
- 2.1 GS 2013 (Art. 167) mandated the committee:
- [4.1] To continue the membership of the CanRC in the International Conference of Reformed Churches (ICRC);
- [4.2] To send a delegation of two voting members and two advisory members to the next conference scheduled to meet in Cardiff, Wales, 2013.
- 2.2 From the report of the CRCA, we observe:
- 2.2.1 The ICRC met in Cardiff, Wales from August 29 to September 4, 2013.
- 2.2.2 The conference was an excellent opportunity to interact with and have meetings with delegates of a number of churches with which we have Ecclesiastical Fellowship (EF) and also with delegates of churches with which we do not.
- 2.2.3 Amendments to the Constitution were suggested and need to be approved by the member churches before taking into effects. The suggested changes are:
- Article IV was expanded to indicate the origin of the ICRC to clarify the eligibility criteria for membership and to articulate more clearly the process for suspension or termination for membership.
- Article V was expanded to clarify the nature and extent of the ICRC’s authority.
- Article VI was expanded to clarify the procedure by which the Constitution may be amended.
- 2.2.4 In an effort to make the ICRC more meaningful to the member churches, the ICRC has continued to promote an increase in the number of regional conferences.
- 2.3 The CRCA recommends:
- 2.3.1 To continue the membership of the CanRC in the ICRC;
- 2.3.2 To approve the revised Constitution of the ICRC, as recommended;
- 2.3.3 To mandate the CRCA to delegate participants to relevant ICRC regional conferences;
- 2.3.4 To send a delegation of two voting members and two advisory members to the next ICRC, scheduled to meet in southern Ontario in 2017.
- 2.4 Abbotsford suggests that Synod reflect on the composition of the delegation to the next ICRC because the CanRC have several committees for inter-church relations.
3. Considerations
- 3.1 From their report, Synod concludes that the committee has fulfilled their mandate and expresses thankfulness for their work.
- 3.2 The proposed changes to the Constitution are an improvement and Synod agrees that they be adopted.
- 3.3 Abbotsford’s suggestion makes sense. It would be good for the CRCA to communicate with the Committee for Contact with Churches in North America (CCCNA) and Committee for Church Unity (CCU) when they consider delegation to ICRC events.
4. Recommendations
That Synod decide:
- 4.1 To continue the membership of the CanRC in the International Conference of Reformed Churches (ICRC);
- 4.2 To approve the revised Constitution of the ICRC, as recommended;
- 4.3 To mandate the CRCA to ensure an appropriate CanRC presence at ICRC events;
- 4.4 To send a delegation of two voting members and two advisory members to the next ICRC, scheduled to meet in southern Ontario in 2017, keeping in mind Cons. 3.3.