GS 2013 Article 78 – Korean Presbyterian Church in America (Kosin) – Application to NAPARC
1. Material:
- 1.1. Supplementary report from CCCNA on KPCA (Kosin) with cover letter (
- 1.2. Letters from the churches at Hamilton-Cornerstone (, Burlington-Ebenezer ( and Spring Creek (
2. Observations:
- 2.1. The CCCNA has provided a supplementary report, asking that Synod deal with and approve the application of the Korean Presbyterian Church in America (Kosin) to NAPARC. The application of the KPCA was received and approved at the 2012 meeting of NAPARC. In addition to this approval, the NAPARC constitution requires the approbation of such acceptance by two thirds of the member churches, within a period of three years.
- 2.2. The CCCNA notes that while its supplementary report was submitted late to the convening church of synod, the requirement of gaining the approval of two thirds of NAPARC member churches for this application means that it would be advisable for Synod Carman 2013 to address the matter.
- 2.3. The CCCNA evaluated the application of the KPCA and voted in favour at the 2012 meeting of NAPARC. They gave as grounds for their decision:
- 2.3.1. The KPCA (Kosin) have a very close sister church relationship (even: mother-daughter relationship) with an existing sister church of ours, the KPCK.
- 2.3.2. The KPCA (Kosin) hold to the very same doctrinal basis and have the same church polity as the KPCK which fully agrees with the basis for NAPARC.
- 2.3.3. Although we have not yet had the opportunity to investigate the KPCA (Kosin) for ourselves as CanRC, their close connection our sister church the KPCK is a testimony to their faithfulness.
- 2.3.4. Voting to admit a church to NAPARC welcomes them as a partner to discussion around the table on an agreed-upon confessional basis, but individual relationships and formal fellowships must be pursued on an individual basis.
- 2.3.5. Admitting the KPCA (Kosin) to NAPARC would open the door further to their involvement not only with ourselves as CanRC but also with other English-speaking, faithful churches of our Lord Jesus Christ on this continent – a desirable outcome in our calling to be one in Christ.
- 2.4. The CCCNA draws attention to the mention of “Kwonsa” in the Constitution of the KPCA. These are “non-ordained women (55 plus) who are appointed to do a deaconal [sic] task but who do not hold a special office in the church and who hold no authority over the congregation.”
- 2.5. Though the supplementary report was received after the deadline for submissions to synod, Hamilton-Cornerstone notes the time-bound nature of the request and suggests that Synod Carman 2013 receive and address it.
- 2.6. Burlington-Ebenezer raises questions about the implications of a CanRC Synod (potentially) approving the KPCA’s application to NAPARC, whether such approving means we have made a de facto acceptance of the KPCA as being a true church.
- 2.7. Spring Creek uses the occasion of the KPCA’s application to ask for synodical clarification on the nature of NAPARC membership. Spring Creek questions how it can be reliably ascertained whether a NAPARC member church maintains the marks of the true church when the NAPARC constitution does not call for an external investigation into whether a church indeed maintains them and continues to maintain them thereafter. Further, Spring Creek points out that it is possible that a church against which the CanRC voted is ultimately admitted to NAPARC.
3. Considerations:
- 3.1. As a member church of NAPARC, it is important for the CanRC to honour its constitutional requirements, such as pertaining to the admission of new member churches and to provide a judgment when requested to do so.
- 3.2. Approving the application of the KPCA into NAPARC does not mean that we recognize them as a true and faithful church, but that we agree to meet with them on the basis of an established constitution and bylaws.
- 3.3. As a situation roughly analogous to that of our present membership in NAPARC it may be pointed out that Synod Chatham 2004, in connection with the question of the CanRC voting to admit a new member church at the ICRC, determined that it is incorrect to equate such voting with a declaration of being a true church (Acts, Article 52, Consideration 4.6).
- 3.4. The KPCA has close ties with a church with which we have EF, the KPCK. The KPCA hold to the very same doctrinal basis and have the same church polity as the KPCK which fully agrees with the basis for NAPARC. Admitting this federation to NAPARC would give occasion for their involvement not only with ourselves as CanRC but also with other English-speaking, faithful churches on this continent.
4. Recommendation:
ThatSynod decide to receive the supplementary report of the CCCNA and vote in favour of the KPCA’s application to NAPARC.