GS 2013 Article 191 – Reformed Churches in Korea (RCK)

Committee 3 presented its second draft. With a few minor changes, this was the result:

1.         Material:

Report from the CRCA (8.2.1)

2.         Observations:

  • 2.1       Synod Burlington 2010 decided (Acts, Article 173, Recommendation 4):
    • [4.1.]    Not to accept the offer of the RCK for EF but to wait until more information becomes available;
    • [4.2.]    To mandate the CRCA to continue contact with the RCK with a view to making recommendations regarding EF to Synod 2013, keeping in mind especially Considerations 3.1.1 – 3.1.4.
  • 2.2       An observer of the RCK, Rev. DongSup Song, was present at Synod Carman 2013 and passed on greetings.

3.         Considerations:

  • 3.1.      The CRCA delegate visited the RCK in September 2010 at which time he attended worship services, partook in Bible study sessions and met officially with three ministers and four other office bearers to exchange information. There has been limited contact since the visit. Two ministers of the RCK met with the CRCA in the summer of 2010.
  • 3.2.      The RCK has contact and discussions with several Presbyterian churches in the southern area of South Korea. These contacts include regular discussion on Reformed doctrine and polity. The RCK is currently a very small federation but this could change based on discussions with other groups.
  • 3.3.      The CRCA encouraged them to take up official contact with the KPCK, since they were informed of the commitment made by the KPCK to have discussions with the RCK. At this time these two parties have not yet had official contact. There is also an outstanding disagreement between one of the ministers of the RCK and the Southern Presbytery of the KPCK.

4.         Recommendation:

That Synod decide not to enter into EF with the RCK until we are satisfied with the results of meetings between the RCK and the KPCK. A clearer understanding of the current status of the federation, as well as future intent for joining with other churches, is necessary.