GS 2013 Article 186 – Book of Praise – Publication and Fostering Awareness

Committee 2 presented its second draft. With a few minor changes, this was the result:

1.         Material:

  • 1.1.      Report from the SCBP, Section 1.7, 1.8, 3.0, 12.3 (8.2.4)
  • 1.2.      Letters from the churches at Cloverdale (, Abbotsford (, London (, Carman-West (, Burlington-Ebenezer ( and Flamborough (

2.         Observations:

  • 2.1.      The SCBP informs Synod that an Authorized Provisional Version of the Book of Praise was published reflecting all the changes in the psalm, hymn and prose sections adopted by Synod Burlington 2010 and that these revised psalms and hymns (except for APV Hymns 38, 50, 66 and 79 because of copyright issues) were published on the Committee’s website at The Committee recommends that Synod adopt the APV for use in the worship services (with the proposed changes to both the 150 Psalms and 85 hymns in its Report), together with the prose section as already adopted (with the exception of any changes approved by Synod 2013), authorize it to publish the new edition and direct the churches that the 2013 edition of the Book of Praise is the Authorized Version for use by the churches.
  • 2.2.      The SCBP informs Synod 2013 that it has considered the matter of including four-part harmonisations for the psalms and hymns in the Book of Praise as instructed by Synod Burlington 2010 (Article 145) and requests Synod to confirm that the Book of Praise is to be published in a melody-only format.
  • 2.3.      The SCBP informs Synod 2013 that it has developed and promoted materials for the musical accompaniment in the worship services as mandated by Synod Burlington 2010 (Article 114). The committee made use of Clarion, workshops, the SCBP website and the publication of a collection of preludes and harmonisations for the 85 hymns by br. F. Ezinga.
  • 2.4.      The SCBP promoted awareness of the Book of Praise in the English-speaking world as mandated by Synod Burlington 2010 by responding to requests for information from outside our federation, by having an entire issue of Clarion dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the Genevan Psalter and the 40th Anniversary of the Book of Praise and by responding to letters.
  • 2.5.      The church at Carman-West suggests that available versions of accompaniment be placed on the website in PDF format for musicians and congregation members to use.
  • 2.6.      The church at Cloverdale proposes that the SCBP continue to offer an edition of the Book of Praise with harmonisations, especially of the hymns. The electronic, technological possibilities of our age should make this option less daunting.
  • 2.7.      The church at Flamborough is in favour of having a Book of Praise in four-part harmony since it would make it more accessible, provide more opportunities for singing from it outside the worship services and would inspire young musicians in training.
  • 2.8.      The church at Burlington-Ebenezer asks General Synod to direct the committee not to include four-part harmonisation in the Book of Praise since it is primarily for congregational singing which is not done in four-part harmony.
  • 2.9.      The church at London recommends that the definitive edition of the Book of Praise be published in hardcover for the sake of longevity.
  • 2.10.    The church at Abbotsford suggests that, in addition to publishing the Book of Praise as one volume, the SCBP consider publishing the Book of Praise in two sections (songs and prose). Having a spiral-bound version of the APV prose section is relatively inexpensive to print and is handy for those churches that project the psalms to be sung during worship.

3.         Considerations:

  • 3.1.      The SCBP has done much work resulting in the publication of an Authorized Provisional Version of the Book of Praise. Synod 2013 agrees with the SCBP recommendation to publish the finalized version of the Book of Praise incorporating all changes approved by this Synod.
  • 3.2.      The SCBP provides good reasons for not publishing four-part harmonisations of the psalms and hymns: it would be costly (since it would increase the size of the Book of Praise); it would necessitate dropping the musical overleaf-notation; it would be time consuming and highly subjective. Besides, the SCBP is convinced that there is no strong desire for this among the churches.
  • 3.3.      The development and promotion of materials for musical accompaniment in the worship services is helpful for organists, teachers and others.
  • 3.4.      The suggestion from Carman-West that available versions of accompaniment be placed on the website in PDF format for musicians and congregation members to use has merit.
  • 3.5.      The suggestion of the church at Cloverdale of making especially the harmonization of the hymns available electronically is worthy of consideration.
  • 3.6.      The suggestion from the church at Flamborough about having a version of the Book of Praise in four-part harmonization has been considered by the committee. The implications of such an undertaking are too daunting to be practical.
  • 3.7.      Burlington-Ebenezer raises a valid argument against publishing the Book of Praise in four-part harmonization.
  • 3.8.      London’s recommendation that the definitive edition of the Book of Praise be published in a hardcover has merit once a definitive edition is ready for publication.
  • 3.9.      Abbotsford’s suggestion of publishing the Book of Praise in two sections (songs and prose) is worthy of consideration by the SCPB.

4.         Recommendations:

  • 4.1.      That Synod decide:
    • 4.1.1.   To thank the SCBP for its dedication and effort in publishing the APV in book form and on the website.
    • 4.1.2.   To authorize the SCBP to publish the final edition of the Book of Praise as the Authorized Version for use by the churches and to make it available on the website in hyperlinked, indexed format.
  • 4.2.      That Synod decide to instruct the SCBP:
    • 4.2.1.   To continue the present format of publishing the psalms and hymns in a melody-only format.
    • 4.2.2.   To consider placing available versions of accompaniment and harmonization of the hymns on the website.
    • 4.2.3.   To look into the feasibility of printing hardcover copies of the Book of Praise.
    • 4.2.4.   To investigate whether or not the Book of Praise should also be published in two sections (songs and prose).


The chairman, on behalf of synod, expressed thankfulness to the Lord on account of this historic event of adopting a revised and finalized Book of Praise.