GS 2013 Article 133 – Reformed Churches in Brazil (RCB)

1.         Material:

Report from the CRCA re: RCB (8.2.1)

2.         Observations:

  • 2.1       Synod Burlington 2010 gave the CRCA the following mandate (Acts, Article 156, Recommendation 4.2):
    • [4.2.1.] To continue the relationship of EF with the RCB under the following rules;
    • [4.2.2.] To use every opportunity to have contact with the RCB and to provide encouragement to the churches.
  • 2.2.      The relationship of EF has been maintained and informed to a large extent by the extensive contact that the Canadian Reformed Churches of Hamilton and Surrey have with the RCB through their missionary activities.
  • 2.3.      The CRCA delegated the brothers Paul Krikke (Hamilton elder and Mission Board member) and John Vanderstoep (Surrey elder and Mission Board member) to the October 2010 Concilio, held in Cabo Frio. The delegates were seated at the Concilio table and invited to address the assembly. The CRCA recently received the Acts of the 18th Concilio held in Recife in April 2012.
  • 2.4.      In addition to the work of missionaries there was also considerable support provided by the Committee of Three (i.e. the mission churches of Hamilton, Surrey and those of the province of Drenthe, the Netherlands). The Committee of Three has been discontinued in 2010. Recently, the RCB drafted a new proposal for undertaking cooperative projects. The April 2012 Concilio has approved this proposal for sharing with sister churches regarding how these cooperative projects might be undertaken. It may be something that will have the attention of the CRCA in the future.
  • 2.5.      By God’s grace, the federation continues to experience significant growth, not only in preaching points but also in faithfulness. The CRCA notes that the brotherhood in Brazil seriously seeks to proclaim the Word of our Heavenly Father.

3.         Considerations:

  • 3.1.      The CRCA has fulfilled its mandate.
  • 3.2.      In view of the strong links between the RCB and the CanRC and in view of the challenges facing the RCB, every effort should be made to have contact with the RCB and to provide encouragement to these churches and their leaders. Where language is a barrier, the CRCA can work through contacts in those churches which maintain mission work in Brazil (Aldergrove and Hamilton-Cornerstone).

4.         Recommendations:

That Synod decide:

  • 4.1.      To continue EF with the RCB under the adopted rules;
  • 4.2.      To mandate the CRCA to use every opportunity to have contact with the RCB and to provide encouragement to these churches.