GS 2013 Article 123 – Free Reformed Churches of Australia (FRCA)

1.         Material:

Report of Committee for Relations with Churches Abroad (8.2.1)

2.         Observations:

  • 2.1.      Synod Burlington 2010 decided (Acts, Article 33, Recommendation 4):
    • [4.1.]    To maintain the existing relationship of ecclesiastical fellowship with the FRCA under the adopted rules.
    • [4.2.]    To thank the FRCA for its continued and increased support for the Theological College in Hamilton.
    • [4.3.]    To mandate the CRCA as follows:
      • [4.3.1.] To maintain close contact with the various deputyships of the FRCA to discuss matters of mutual interest, e.g. mission work in Indonesia, Book of Praise, third-party relationships, issues of common interest with regard to sister churches, etc.
      • [4.3.2.] To keep the FRCA informed of developments regarding our relationship with the URCNA and in particular developments regarding theological education.
      • [4.3.3.] To continue supporting the FRCA as much as possible in its discussions with the RCNZ.
      • [4.3.4.] To send a delegate to the next Synod of the FRCA in 2012.
  • 2.2.      The CRCA report the following:
    • 2.2.1.   Two CRCA members, A. Souman and B. Wielenga, attended Synod Armadale 2012. There they discussed areas of mutual interest including theological training, Book of Praise, the RCN, our relations with the URCNA, New Zealand and Indonesia. The FRCA highlighted that they valuethe bond with the Canadian Reformed Churches.
    • 2.2.2.   A letter from the Liberated Reformed Church of Abbotsford was placed on the agenda of Synod Armadale 2012 by three churches. Synod declared it inadmissible because the FRCA continues to recognize the CanRC as faithful churches and considers it inappropriate to delve into local Canadian matters.
    • 2.2.3.   The FRCA continues to support the CRTS, also financially (the internal Australian assessment rate is $65 per communicant member). Synod Armadale 2012 decided to send a delegate to a meeting of Hamilton’s Board of Governors and Convocation between Synod 2012 and Synod 2015. The desire was expressed to have guest lecturers from our theological seminary visit the Australian churches every two years.
    • 2.2.4.   Synod Armadale 2012 provisionally adopted the 150 psalms of the 2010 Book of Praise for use in the churches. The 65 hymns we had in the 1984 Book of Praise were also adopted, but with the changes made in the 2010 edition. The FRCA (again) decided to consider the feasibility of publishing an Australian edition of the Canadian Book of Praise.
    • 2.2.5.   Synod Armadale 2012 re-affirmed the decision of previous synods to recognize the RCNZ as true churches of the Lord Jesus Christ, but stated that the relationship between the RCNZ and the CRC Australia continues to be an impediment. Synod affirmed that the FRCA “value the continuing support of the CanRC in regards to our discussions with the RCNZ.”
  • 2.3.      The CRCA recommends that Synod 2013 decide:
    • [1.]       To continue the relationship of ecclesiastical fellowship with the FRCA under the adopted rules;
    • [2.]       To express thankfulness and appreciation for the FRCA’s ongoing support for and interest in the Theological Seminary, including their generous financial support;
    • [3.]       To assure the FRCA of our continued attention to the nature and direction of the relationship of the RCNZ with the CRC Australia;
    • [4.]       To maintain close contact with the various deputyships of the FRCA in matters of relations with sister churches abroad and informing the FRCA of changes or developments in third party relationships;
    • [5.]       To invite the various deputyships of the FRCA to seek direct contact with the corresponding CanRC committees (e.g., our SCBP, sub-committee RCN, our committee in charge of reviewing the liturgical forms, Committee on Bible Translations and perhaps others) in areas of mutual interest where the CRCA’s mandate does not reach;
    • [6.]       To send a delegation to the next synod of the FRCA in 2015.

3.         Considerations:

  • 3.1.      From the CRCA report it is evident that the FRCA remain true and faithful churches of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • 3.2.      The CanRC also valuethe bond with the FRCA.
  • 3.3.      It is appropriate that, in our discussions with the RCNZ, we continue to give attention to the relationship that the RCNZ has with the CRCAustralia and that we support the FRCA in this matter. For the CRCA to foster close contact between the various deputyships of the FRCA and corresponding CanRC committees is consistent with the adopted Rules for Ecclesiastical Fellowship.
  • 3.4.      While Synod understands that the FRCA is keen to have our professors visit Australia and provide guest lectures more frequently, this is not a matter for our Synod to decide.
  • 3.5.      Rather than mandating specific CanRC committees to make themselves available for interaction with corresponding FRCA deputyships, it would be simpler for Synod to endorse #4.5 of the proposed CRCA mandate.

4.         Recommendations:

That Synod decide:

  • 4.1.      To continue the relationship of ecclesiastical fellowship with the FRCA under the adopted rules;
  • 4.2.      To express thankfulness and appreciation for the FRCA’s ongoing support for and interest in the Theological Seminary, including their generous financial support;
  • 4.3.      To assure the FRCA of our continued attention to the nature and direction of the relationship of the RCNZ with the CRCAustralia;
  • 4.4.      To maintain close contact with the various deputyships of the FRCA in matters of relations with sister churches abroad and informing the FRCA of changes or developments in third party relationships;
  • 4.5.      To invite the various deputyships of the FRCA to seek direct contact with the corresponding CanRC committees (e.g., our SCBP, sub-committee RCN, our committee in charge of reviewing the liturgical forms, Committee on Bible Translations and perhaps others) in areas of mutual interest where the CRCA’s mandate does not apply;
  • 4.6.      To send a delegation to the next synod of the FRCA in 2015.


Synod adjourned for committee work.