GS 2013 Article 107 – Reopening of Synod and Expression of Thanks to Br. Bill Vandersluis

The chairman reopened synod and the members sang Psalm 97:1, 5. It was noted that all members were present, including the primi delegate Rev. R.J. Eikelboom who had recently returned following his temporary absence. Dr. A.J. Pol was thanked for his role in “filling in” for Rev. Eikelboom.

The chairman noted that br. Bill Vandersluis of the Carman-East congregation had distributed to each synod member copies of several photographs pertaining to the first two synods of our federation: Synod Homewood-Carman 1954 and Synod Homewood-Carman 1958. These were photos of the members of those two assemblies and the exterior of the building in which synod was held (i.e. the Shamrock Tea Gardens). These photos were made the more special when just the previous day the members to Synod Carman 2013 could be photographed in that very same location, some 55 years since the last synod in this area. Synod expressed its thankfulness to br. Bill Vandersluis for his thoughtful gift.