GS 2010 Article 82 – Free Reformed Church of South Africa (FRCSA)

1.         Material

Report from the CRCA (Agenda 8.2.m).

2.         Observations

  • 2.1       Synod Smithers 2007 decided (Article 124, Recommendation 4):
    • [4.1]     To continue ecclesiastical fellowship (EF) with the FRCSA under the adopted rules.
    • [4.2]     To recommend the FRCSA to the churches as worthy of continued and increased prayerful and financial assistance, to help them with their extensive mission work as well as the compassionate pursuits among the disadvantaged.
    • [4.3]     To mandate the Board of Governors of our Theological College to encourage and aid the FRCSA in the quest to redesign their Theological Training by serving them with advice, and by extending academic backing through guest lectures, as well as assisting students who may enrol here with the necessary language and social support.
  • 2.2       The following are some of the CRCA’s communications regarding the FRSCA:
    • 2.2.1    A letter dated June 26, 2007 was sent informing the FRCSA of the observations, considerations and recommendations of Synod Smithers 2007.
    • 2.2.2    In response to a request from the CRCA, Rev. C. Kleijn of the FRCSA submitted a list of projects and needs among the FRCSA to bring to the attention of the CanRC.
    • 2.2.3    In January 2008 the CRCA sent a letter to all Canadian and American Reformed Churches outlining the opportunities available to extend help to the FRCSA with their mission and relief efforts.
    • 2.2.4    On May 8, 2008 a letter was sent expressing regret that we were not able at this time to accede to the invitation to send a delegation to the General Synod of the FRCSA in Cape Town May 2008.
    • 2.2.5    An Afrikaans short report of the FRCSA Synod Cape Town May 12-15 2008 was received in January 2009 as well as an English copy of the full Acts in March 2009.
    • 2.2.6    On June 29, 2009, the CRCA sent a letter to the church at Coaldale asking its Council to take on the project of being the coordinating church for aid to needy churches of the FRSCA. On November 4, 2009, the CRCA learned that Coaldale had agreed to take on this project and had established a Committee of Council for that purpose.
  • 2.3       Concerning the CanRC, Synod Capetown decided:
    • [1.]          To continue sister church relations with the CanRC according to the adopted rules.
    • [2.]          To authorize deputies to send one delegate to attend the next synod of the CanRC and to instruct that the delegate also give presentations on the FRCSA.
  • As grounds for this decision, Synod stated:
    • [1.]          The CanRC gives evidence of continuing faithfulness to the Word of God, the Reformed Confessions and the Church Order.
    • [2.]          Personal visits to synods are a good means of maintaining and building relationships.
    • [3.]          Our two federations, with similar backgrounds, can support each other and learn from each other.
  • In its instruction to its Deputies for Relations with Churches Abroad, Synod decided to send one delegate to attend the next synod of the CanRC and to instruct that the delegate also give presentations on the FRCSA.
  • 2.4       With respect to the ICRC, Synod Capetown decided:
    • [1.]          To continue membership of the ICRC.
    • [2.]          To accept the proposed amendment to the ICRC constitution.
    • [3.]          T o authorize the deputies to send one delegate to the next conference.
  • 2.5       The Deputies for Contact with Churches in South Africa seem to have come to a dead end in their talks with the Reformed Churches in South Africa (GKSA). It was decided that the deputies would continue to monitor how the GKSA deals with matters such as women in office and confessional faithfulness in its contacts with other churches in South Africa. It was also decided to explore contact again between local churches of the two federations as a means to move towards unity on the basis of Scripture and Confessions.
  • 2.6       As far as theological training is concerned, Synod decided that the deputy curators should appoint a National Coordinator to implement the required steps for a “Ministerial Training Structure.”
  • 2.7       The CRCA comes with the following evaluation concerning the FRCSA:
  • “As demonstrated in our contacts and in the Acts of Synod Cape Town 2008, the Free Reformed Churches of South Africa continue to give evidence of faithfulness to the Word of God, to maintaining the adopted confessions and to upholding their Church Order. The Lord’s great blessings over the extensive mission and mission aid work continue to be noted with gratitude. In their own situation the FRCSA continue to work at developing their own Ministerial Training Structure. There remain considerable opportunities for mission and mission aid in South Africa.”
  • 2.8       The CRCA comes with the following recommendations to Synod Burlington-Ebenezer:
    • [1.]          To continue EF with the FRCSA under the adopted rules.
    • [2 .]         To recommend the FRCSA to the churches as worthy of continued financial assistance, to help them support the needy churches in the federation, and to assist them with their extensive mission work and relief efforts among the disadvantaged and sick in South Africa.
    • [3.]          To mandate the Board of Governors of our Theological College to encourage and assist the FRCSA in their efforts to set up their Ministerial Training Structure.

3.         Considerations

  • 3.1       It is clear from the observations that the CRCA has been active in dialogue with the FRCSA and in assisting them when possible. The CanRC have been informed of the financial needs of our sister churches in South Africa, and a mechanism has been put into place to collect monies in Canada for this cause.
  • 3.2       It is regrettable that the CRCA was not able to send a fraternal delegate to General Synod of the FRCSA in Cape Town May 2008.
  • 3.3       It is much appreciated that the FRCSA have authorized sending one delegate to attend the next Synod of the CanRC.
  • 3.4       It is proper according to the Rules of EF that the Deputies for Contact with Churches in South Africa have informed the CanRC of their talks with the Reformed Churches in South Africa (GKSA). It is good to see that such contacts are explored while carefully monitoring how the GKSA deals with matters such as women in office and confessional faithfulness in its contacts with other churches in South Africa.
  • 3.5       It is clear from the Report of the Board of Governors of the Theological College of the CanRC that there has been significant dialogue between representatives of the FRCSA and the Senate of the College. The Board considers that it has fulfilled the directives of Article 124 of the Acts of Synod 2007. This has proven to be fruitful contact.
  • 3.6       The CRCA delivers a very positive report about the FRCSA. This is encouraging for EF between the FRCSA and the CanRC.

4.         Recommendation

That Synod decide:

  • 4.1       To continue EF with the FRCSA under the adopted rules.
  • 4.2       To recommend the FRCSA to the churches as worthy of continued financial assistance, to help them support the needy churches in the federation, and to assist them with their extensive mission work and relief efforts among the disadvantaged and sick in South Africa.
  • 4.3       To mandate the Board of Governors of our Theological College to encourage and assist when possible the FRCSA in their efforts to set up their Ministerial Training Structure.