GS 2010 Article 30 – Free Reformed Churches of North America (FRCNA)
1. Material
Report of the CCCNA re: the Free Reformed Churches of North America (FRCNA) (8.2.f).
2. Observations
- 2.1 Synod Smithers 2007 gave the CCCNA the following mandate in regard to the FRCNA (Acts 2007, Article 105, Recommendation 4): [4.1] To cease from pursuing discussions with the FRCNA
- [4.2] To ask the CCCNA to send a letter to the FRCNA informing it of this decision and expressing the desire to resume contact when there is an interest from their side.
- 2.2 The committee reports that:
- 2.2.1 I t communicated to the FRCNA the decisions of Synod Smithers 2007.
- 2.2.2 The Interchurch Relations Committee of the FRCNA:
- Expressed the hope to meet with the CCCNA at venues such as NAPARC and ICRC.
- Requested that future discussions focus on “getting to know each other, e.g. in our various ministries and doctrinal distinctives…”
- Expressed the hope that future talks would “lead to re-establishment of the Limited Contact relationship.”
- 2.2.3 As response to this, the CCCNA listed the seven meetings held between the respective committees from 19992005, along with the topics discussed. The committee also indicated that it did not wish to duplicate previous discussions, and requested the Interchurch Relations Committee to indicate how to move forward.
- 2.2.4 The Interchurch Relations Committee suggested a meeting of representatives at the next scheduled meeting of NAPARC, and proposed that “we begin by expressing our perception of each other” and “perhaps some misconceptions can be corrected.”
- 2.2.5 The CCCNA reports that brotherly discussions were held during a NAPARC conference, but nothing new came to the fore that had not been discussed before. The brothers of the FRCNA have recommended to their committee to continue further meetings in an informal way at gatherings such as NAPARC.
- 2.2.6 The CCCNA concludes that the FRCNA is not interested at this time in resuming meeting as committees except through informal contacts at such gatherings as NAPARC.
- 2.2.7 The CCCNA recommends that Synod decide:
- [5.1] The CCCNA has fulfilled the mandate regarding the FRCNA;
- [5.2] The CCCNA utilize NAPARC to meet with brothers from the FRCNA within the framework of the basis of the Council.
3. Considerations
- 3.1 On the basis of its report the recommendations of the CCCNA regarding the FRCNA appear to be well founded.
- 3.2 This in effect means that our churches have no formal ecclesiastical relations with the FRCNA.
4. Recommendation
That Synod decide:
- 4.1 That the CCCNA:
- 4.1.1 Has fulfilled the mandate regarding the FRCNA.
- 4.1.2 Utilize NAPARC to meet with brothers from the FRCNA within the framework of the basis of the Council.
- 4.2 To conclude regretfully that our churches at this time have no formal ecclesiastical relations with the FRCNA.
After various committees requested and received input in developing their proposals, Synod adjourned for further committee work.